Export the results of the course evaluation at KI Survey
An Excel-file with raw data for each course evaluation should be sent to the Evaluation unit. On this page we describe how you do it.
An Excel-file with raw data for each course evaluation should be sent to the Evaluation unit.
How to do
1. Find your survey i KI survey.
2. In the right menu, under the rubrics Answer, click Export data.

3. Click on the tab showing Excel in the top menu.

4. Name the excel file to the exact same name as the survey (nothing else!) and send it (untouched) by filling out this form.
To be able to send in the form together with your data you need to have information on course title, course code, course leader and number of registered students on the course. You find this information easiest directly in the survey. Number of students you find by scrolling down to the bottom of the first page and choose the tab in numbers.