Information literacy for first- and second-cycle studies at Kl, guidelines

Information competence is knowing when and why you need information, where you can find it and how you can evaluate, use it, and communicate the information in a critical, creative, and ethically correct way.

After completing studies at first- and/or second-cycle level, KI's students should be able to:

  • identify the distinguishing characteristics of scientific information and describe how different information sources should be evaluated
  • explain how scientific information in the main area of study is organized and how to search for it
  • describe how to use scientific and copyright-protected information in a legally correct manner
  • explain the distinguishing characteristics of scientific writing and how to avoid plagiarism
  • demonstrate the correct use of references in scientific writing
  • demonstrate the ability to follow the development of knowledge and exemplify how to exchange information with people with no specialist knowledge of the field (e.g. providing guidance for patients in managing available medical information)
  • associate effective information management with lifelong learning

The above-mentioned criteria constitute a generic minimum requirement that should be supplemented when necessary.

Information literacy instructions are provided by the department and/or within the framework of the University Library's (KIB) support activities.

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