Call for abstracts - Educational Congress 2024

An important part of the Educational Congress is to be able to share experiences and create a dialogue, and for participants to get inspired and partake in the conversation. We welcome abstracts for scientific work, pedagogical projects and education development projects.

Process for review

Call for abstract is now closed. Your abstract will be reviewed and you will be contacted in the end of June.

Call for abstracts

We welcome abstracts exploring all aspects of the congress theme "Exploring the Human Dimensions of Education".

  • Your project may focus on education at any level, including undergraduate training, doctoral education, organizational learning or continuous professional development. 
  • Accepted abstracts may be presented in various formats: research/scholarly presentation, innovation presentation, poster presentation or workshop. The congress is in Solna/Stockholm.
  • The congress programme is mainly in English but we welcome abstracts and workshops in Swedish as well.
  • We welcome abstracts from both within and outside Karolinska Institutet, and from outside Sweden as well.

Workshops & co-creation

You can also submit an abstract to hold a workshop on your work (connected to the theme). We envisage workshops to be learner-active activities, spaces for dialog and discussion, and indeed co-creation. Each submission will be reviewed from this perpective in order to select workshops which has been highlighed through the evaluation of previous events.

Paper and hand with pen
Photo: N/A.