Project: Pedagogical ambassadors in doctoral education 2022
The purpose of the pilot project was to stimulate pedagogical development in doctoral courses by financed time for pedagogical ambassadors, as well as the start-up of a pedagogical network in doctoral education.
The focus of the project was to develop and promote an educational culture in close partnership with doctoral programmes and research schools. Five Pedagogical ambassadors (PA) were selected among the applicants. Each PA had designed a development project in connection to the PA’s own engagement in doctoral education at KI.
A contact person was assigned within the Teaching and learning unit at KI, to facilitate the collaboration within the group as well as with the pedagogical unit. Monthly meetings and round table discussions have been the regular contact points complemented with individual meetings between the PAs.
The Pedagogic ambassador project had been initiated and financed by the Committee for Doctoral education and the Course and programme committee.
Development projects 2022
Co-create the debate!
Eric Asaba
- Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in occupational therapy. Course lead for a number of courses within the doctoral program for healthcare science.
In my project, Co-create the debate, the aspects in focus were co-creation and debate. Co-create the debate was about engaging students in identifying topics that were most central to where they are in their own thinking, formulating debatable topics of relevance, and jointly agreeing on how to go about carrying out a debate that engages everyone in the course.
A method can work great in one situation, and not at all in another. Exploring what works, when and where it works (or not), is something very interesting and important as part of our academic teachership.
Eric Asaba
Senior Lecturer/Occupational TherapistContinous update of the Research School in Epidemiology for Clinicians
Anna Sandström
- Obstetrician at Karolinska University Hospital, researcher at the Clinical Epidemiology Division, KI, and as director for the Research School in Epidemiology for Clinicians, KI/Region Stockholm.
I have focused on how to continuously offer a relevant, high-quality, updated and pedagogically evolved research education Research School in Epidemiology for Clinicians. This has primarily been conducted by using “appreciative inquiry”, a systematic approach to identify and analyse successful experiences and practices, and then reinforce these and also use them in other contexts.
Anna Sandström
Affiliated to ResearchFaculty experiences of active student participation (ASP) in online doctoral courses during the COVID-19 pandemic
Anna-Karin Wellmer
- Associate professor and senior lecturer in physiotherapy, and teacher at the doctoral programme in health care science at KI.
My project focus on university faculty’s experience of active student participation in online doctoral courses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The project aims to gather information of what insights university faculty have gained during the pandemic concerning how to facilitate active student participation in online doctoral courses.
Anna-Karin Welmer
Senior LecturerEngaging doctoral students in undergraduate education
Jurga Larencikiene
- Researcher with focus on adipose tissue biology and type II diabetes. Coordinator for the doctoral programme in Metabolism and endocrinology, as well as director of studies for the Master’s programme in Biomedicine.
My project is about developing a better platform for the involvement of doctoral students in undergraduate teaching.
Jurga Laurencikiene
ResearcherTraining of Teacher (ToT) workshop
Anita Berglund
- Epidemiologist and Head of the Doctoral Programme in Epidemiology.
Development and implementation of a Training of Teacher workshop, with the purpose to equip trainers with knowledge and instructional tools that enable them to, in turn, provide specific training to target audiences, aimed at enhancing student learning outcomes.