IPL - background

Interprofessional learning (IPL) occurs when two or more professions learn with, from, and about each other to improve collaboration and qulity of care. In this part of the IPL guide, we will try to explane some of the key concepts.


To succeed with IPL, clear goals and a clear approache are needed. IPL is more than different professions learning together and being in the same place. With IPL, each profession gains a greater understanding and knowledge of other professions’ competencies and practice collaboration, which strengthens person-centered care.

The specialisation within healthcare and an aging population place increasing demands on collaboration between different professions. To meet people’s various needs and offer good care, it is necessary for different professions to know each other’s areas of expertise and for us all to collaborate. It is crucial that IPL is introduced during undergraduate education so that students can take responsibility and use their competencies in a way that benefits the entire team and the patient (Ponzer, Faresjö & Mogensen, 2009).

Interprofessional learning according to the WHO

"After almost 50 years of enquiry, the World Health Organization and its partners acknowledge that there is sufficient evidence to indicate that effective interprofessional education enables effective collaborative practice."

- Framework for Action on Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice WHO 2010

Understanding of other professions' competencies

Interprofessional competence is one of the six core competencies in healthcare and a necessary skill for employees in today’s and future healthcare.

By systematically participating in IPL, students become more inclined to work across professional boundaries, which is well-supported by studies and leads to better patient care; shorter hospital stays and fewer follow-up visits. Continuous IPL during education ensures that this approach becomes a natural part of the students’ professional development.

Concepts and Definitions 

There are several interprofessional concepts. The most commonly used ones are summarised in the text below. It is easy to confuse multiprofessional and interprofessional. In multiprofessional teams, different professions are present but work in parallel based on their own professional tasks. In interprofessional collaboration and learning, professions work together towards common goals.

Interprofessional Education (IPE) Interprofessional education occurs when two or more professions learn with, from, and about each other to improve collaboration and care quality.

Interprofessional Learning (IPL) The learning that arises through interaction between members of two or more professions. This can result from interprofessional education or occur spontaneously.

Interprofessional Collaboration Collaboration between all involved professions based on each profession’s skills and strengths. The synergy effect that arises optimizes the quality of the patient’s care and rehabilitation.

Interprofessional Team A group consisting of different professions that treat and coordinate care and rehabilitation where goals are set collaboratively. The team meets regularly and learns with, from, and about each other.


Is the process that occurs when different professions with complementary knowledge and skills, who have jointly set goals, work together. The group sees themselves as a team and meets regularly to achieve and evaluate the goals. Important characteristics in the team are:

  • Regular communication
  • Clear roles
  • Tasks with goals where the professions complement each other
  • Shared values

Team Competence 

The knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors that facilitate effective interprofessional collaboration, such as communication and cooperation skills. For a well-functioning team, it is important to understand and know each other’s competencies.

About the IPL-guide

The IPL guide is based on material developed by CKU (Center for Clinical Education), which is now part of the Unit for Teaching and Learning (UoL) at Karolinska Institutet

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