Workplace-based teaching and learning
Workplace-based learning refers to education that takes place in learning environments like homes or hospitals. It provides health profession students with working and learning experiences, where theoretical knowledge can be transformed into practical skills for their future profession. This page offers an overview of courses and tools related to workplace-based learning.

Tools and webb-based support

The process of workplace-based learning
The process och workplace-based learning gives a structure for students, supervisors and teachers of who does what and when during the workplace based learning.
It is developed in collaboration between Region Stockholm, Karolinska Institutet, Marie Cederschiöld University, Red Cross University, and Sophiahemmet University.

Peer-learning guide
Peer learning is a method where two or more studenst from the same education learn from and with each other.
In this guide you can acquire some basic information about the model and get inspired to try it out!

This guide aims to give you an introduction to IPL as well as some examples of how it is carried out.
Courses and workshops

Courses and workshops
-Webb-based course, of 1-2 hours
-Workshops, an afternoon's introduction to a subject or method of teaching and learning
-Klin Sim, short course in simulation
-Stepping stones, shorter courses with different focus areas
-Advanced course in teaching and learning for teachers and supervisors in workplace-based education, 5 weeks
-Advanced course in teaching and learning for teachers and professionals with a pedagogical role in healthcare education, 5 weeks
More information

About workplace-based learning
Workplace-based learning can be called different things depending on the setting. Learn more about practice integrated learning, field-work, auscultation, internships etc here.

Interprofessional learning, IPL, occurs when two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other with the aim to enable effective collaboration and improve people’s health.