The process of workplace-based learning (VIL/VFU)
"The process of workplace- based learning" aims to familiarize you to what is needed before, at the start of, during and after workplace- based learning (VIL/VFU) takes place.
About "The process of workplace- based learning"
"The process of workplace-based learning" offers a structure of who is responsible for what during workplace-based learning with the aim of clarifying the different roles and tasks.
Workplace-based learning refers to educational experiences where students under supervision learn and apply their knowledge and skills in real life clinical settings- this involves integrating theory with practice, forming the professional identity and promoting a reflective attitude. The phrase workplace-based learning is chosen in this document but it can be seen as comparable to for example vocational practice/training, clinical practice/training, clinical placement/rotation as well as fieldwork.
The text is developed in collaboration between Region Stockholm, Karolinska Institutet, Marie Cederschiöld University, Red Cross University, and Sophiahemmet University.
The information is comprehensive; more specific details can be found on the different institution's websites as well as on Regions Stockholm's website.

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Below are the different responsibilities of the roles involved in the students' workplace- based learning.
- Before the workplace- based learning all students are placed in KLIPP (a programme which administers placements) and they will have fulfilled the digital course JOBSH (about documentation, confidentiality, hygiene). More information is found on Region Stockholms website. The coordinator of clinical placements can answer questions about workplace-based learning too.
On the Region Stockholm website you can read more about workplace-based learning. - Have your photograph taken for an ID card (eTjänstekort) make sure to bring your pincodes and that the card is ready to use.
- Review the learning objectives of the course before the placement.
- Review the knowledge area relevant to the placement.
- Respond to the welcome e-mail from the placement or get in touch with the placement coordinator.
- All educational components during workplace- based learning are mandatory. Regulations regarding absence can be found in the course syllabus. The examiner must immediately terminate a student's session of workplace-based learning if the student demonstrates severe deficiencies in knowledge, skills or attitudes that jeopardize patient safety or diminishes the patient's trust in healthcare. Termination results in an immediate grade from the examiner. An actionplan is then established in accordance with the guidelines of the learning institution.
- Background check: An extract from the criminal record may be requested for certain workplace- based placements involving children.
- Upon arrival to you placement make sure to have your ID and pincodes as well as your health certificate ready and updated.
- Attend the introduction to the workplace and verify that you have working IT log ins etc.
- Actively plan and set specific intermediate and final goals based on the learning objectives of the course, together with your supervisor.
- Describe your expectations and concerns.
- Act in the future professional role with support of a supervisor.
- Apply active learning techniques based on your own individual needs in relation to the learning objectives of the course.
- See to that you have regular feedback sessions, check-in and reflections in regards to your own as well as the course's goals together with your supervisor and/or student coordinator.
- Half-time assessment: practice feedback, reflection and self-evaluation. Full-time assessment: practice feedback, reflection and self-evaluation.
- Follow through with a completing and final reflection and feedback together with the supervisor and/or the student coordinator.
- Complete the survey sent to your student email to follow up your placement.
Placement (student coordinator, responsible for education, teaching assistant etc)
- Process the inquiry of places for students and put it into KLipp, do this in dialogue with the educational institutions. Appoint supervisors in collaboration with the management. Read more about this rutine.
- Request the needed accesses for the students; to the premises, documentation systems, computers etc. In some cases, steps 1 and 2 are performed by KI's administration.
- Ensure that the staff has updated knowledge about the course's learning objectives.
- Provide the workplace with pedagogical support in cooperation with the clinical teacher/lecturer.
- Prepare the introduction and send a welcome email as well as a schedule to the student.
- All educational components during workplace- based learning are mandatory. Regulations regarding absence can be found in the course syllabus. The examiner must immediately terminate a student's session of workplace-based learning if the student demonstrates severe deficiencies in knowledge, skills or attitudes that jeopardize patient safety or diminishes the patient's trust int healthcare. Termination results in an immediate grade from the examiner. An actionplan is then established in accordance with the guidelines of the learning institution.
- Background check: An extract from the criminal record may be requested for certain workplace- based placements involving children.
- Take responsibility for welcoming the student into the workplace and make sure that the staff are aware and informed about the student.
- Be responsible for the introduction programme. The local IT department assigns relevant IT permissions to the students.
- Conduct feedback situations and reflective learning conversations with the student. Plan, with the support of a clinical lecturer, for in-depth learning.
- Organise and plan support for the student and supervisor, and if necessary, contact the educational institution. Facilitate a connection to research and for interprofessional education (IPE).
- Clarify to the staff that the student is part of the team at the unit during the placement. Provide the student with support for learning and pedagogical support to the supervisor as needed.
- Plan teaching and seminars with the help of a clinical lecturer or study director.
- Conduct regular feedback sessions, check-ins and reflections on the student’s and the course plan’s set goals.
- Participate in mid-term and final assessments when applicable. If there is a risk that the student will not reach the learning outcomes, the educational institution must be notified immediately, and a written action plan issued.
- Conduct reflection and feedback session with the student and supervisor.
- Convey the feedback from the student to the supervisor and the workplace.
Placement (supervisor)
- Receive the assignment from AKA/student coordinator and unit manager.
- Verify that the student’s accesses are valid.
- Review and discuss the course learning objectives.
- Participate in the web-based course “Introduction to Supervision.” Attend pedagogical meetings with AKA/clinical lecturers and other educational forums.
- Participate in preparations for the introduction and coordinate with AKA/student coordinator regarding the student’s reception.
- Participate in the introduction organized by AKA/student coordinator.
- Check that practical aspects such as IT permissions are functioning within the unit. Collaborate with AKA/student coordinator on the unit’s introduction program.
- Review the placement schedule with the student. Discuss the student’s specific goals based on the course learning objectives.
- Talk to the student about how regular feedback can be provided and address expectations and concerns related to the placement.
- Supervise the student, if needed use pedagogical support from AKA/student coordinator. The supervisor or supervisory group is responsible for supervision based on standards.
- Support the student’s active learning and training in their professional role.
- Conduct regular feedback sessions, check-ins, and reflections on the student’s progress and alignment with the course objectives.
- At midterm assessment during longer placements: Conduct feedback conversations and support reflection and self-assessment. Evaluate how the student is progressing toward the learning objectives and have a dialogue with the student about this and how to plan the remaining time on the placement. Engage with the educational institution regarding any doubts about the student’s ability to reach the learning objectives. Collaboratively plan the remaining period of workplace-based learning and establish an action plan if there are uncertainties about the student meeting the objectives.
- At final assessment after longer placements: Conduct feedback conversations and support reflection and self-assessment. Assess how the student aligns with the learning objectives and engage in dialogue with both the student and the educational institution.
- The examiner assigns the final grade for the course based on the assessment.
- Engage in reflection and mutual feedback with the student and student coordinator.
- Convey the student’s feedback on the supervision and the overall experience to the workplace.
Higher Education Institution (Examiner, Senior Lecturer, Clinical Lecturer, Course Coordinator, Director of Studies)
- Enter the student’s personal information in KLiPP. The VIL coordinator (link to Region Stockholm) enters the order in KLiPP. In certain cases there is email communication between the learning instituution and the workplace. In some cases, KI’s course administration handles the entire process.
- Verify that the students have theire student ID's, order them as needed.
- Make the learning objectives available on the website. The clinical lecturer/senior lecturer collaborates with the AKA/student coordinator to plan the learning.
- The director of studies/clinical lecturer provides educational support to the workplace in cooperation with the AKA/student coordinator.
- Ensure that an up-to-date action plan for students with special needs is in place.
- Make sure that contact information and relevant course documents are updated and available to the workplace.
- Verify that the learning platform and course website are working and accessable to the supervisors.
- Provide templates and documentation to facilitate the planning of goals in relation to the learning objectives of the course.
- The clinical lecturer/senior lecturer plans the workplace-based learning together with the AKA/student coordinator
- Ensure that updated contact information and relevant course documents are accessable to the workplace.
- Clinical lecturers plan teaching and seminars in collaboration with the AKA/student coordinator.
- Provide support to students’ learning, especially when specific needs arise.
- In cases where there is a risk of an unsuccessful placement or the need to interrupt VFU, the examier is alerted. The examiner must immediately terminate a student's session of workplace-based learning if the student demonstrates severe deficiencies in knowledge, skills or attitudes that jeopardize patient safety or diminishes the patient's trust int healthcare. Termination results in an immediate grade from the examiner. An actionplan is then established in accordance with the guidelines of the learning institution.
- The examiner is responsible for the final grade, this is based primarily on assessment materials from midterm and final assessments.
- Conduct a follow-up conversation as needed.
- Provide feedback to the workplace based on the course evaluation.