Educational conferences and events at KI
Here you can find links and more information to conferences, such as Educational Congress and Teachers' Day, organised by KI in the field of education and pedagogy.
Educators' Day and Educational Congress are organised every two years. The purpose is to create events for people involved and interested in educational issues related to KI.
Educational Congress
Educational Congres at KI lasts two days and is largely conducted in English.
The Education Congress will be held on 2-3 October 2024.
The 2022 Educational Congress was organised on 28-29 September on the theme "Continuous learning - Person, Practitioner, Workplace".
Educators' Day
Educators' Day takes place on the fifth Wednesday after the start of the autumn term. This day is also a tuition-free sports day for students. The Teacher's Day programme to agreat extent in Swedish.
Educator's day 2025 will take place 1 October at campus Flemingsberg.
More information about the programme and registration will follow on this page.
27 September: "Teachning and Learning in a changing world".
About the events
Educators' Day and the Educational Congress are organised by Teaching and Learning at KI, on behalf of the Committee for Higher Education.