Faculty funded career positions and Consolidator grants at KI

Are you a junior researcher in medical science who wants to conduct research in an international environment, with top-class research infrastructure and good conditions for exciting collaborations?
Karolinska Institutet is advertising centrally funded positions as assistant professor in medical science and Consolidator grants for researchers already employed at KI.

The centrally advertised positions as assistant professor and the consolidator grants are financed by the faculty board, and decisions on the number of places/grants are made annually. No decision has yet been made regarding the content of the program for 2025.

During 2024 up to eight positions as Assistant Professor, and up to 14 Consolidator grants were announced. The Committee for Research has on February 6, 2025, decided on the allocation of the funding for eight positions as Assistant Professor and nine Consolidator grants for researchers already employed by KI.

The call during 2024

Living in Sweden

Contact us if you have any questions

Academic Appointments unit, HR Office