For staff at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Instructions, events, news and operating information for staff at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB). The information here is specific to MEB but we also link to other sections of the KI Staff Portal.

MEB calendar
Education at MEB
Information on medical education at MEB for MEB colleagues interested in teaching
This link leads to the MEB teachers and staff page.
We are responsible for the courses “Medical scientific theory and methodology” and “Degree Project in Medicine” at the Medical program. The course Medical scientific theory and methodology (MVTM) is a 3 week course, and given at semester 6 and corresponds to 4.5 higher education credits. The course Degree project in medicine (Exjob) comprises 20 weeks, ie the entire semester 8, and corresponds to 30 higher education credits.
The courses are given twice a year and many researchers at MEB are involved in teaching and supervision. The MVTM course is given in May and December/January and the Exjob course is given in January-June and September-January. Our teaching aims are to give students a scientific thinking and a scientific approach that a modern physician needs in their daily activities, as well as to prepare students for lifelong self-directed learning.
We are constantly looking for additional teachers such as group leaders, supervisors, coordinators, and examiners for our courses. Please reach out to us if you are interested in participating in our education activities! Contact the course manager (Exjob:, MVTM: ) if you want more information about a specific course, or Riitta Möller ( for general enquiries. Please see the descriptions of our available positions below.
Seminar leaders (MVTM course): Lead two journal club-like seminars with a group of 8-12 medical students, three hours per seminar (90 mins per group x 2). Two Fridays in January (fall course) and in May (spring course). Preferably PhD or close to PhD. Reimbursement: with KI rate for 12 hours.
Supervisors (exjob course): 150 medical students/semester in need of supervisors and projects. Postdocs are well-suited as supervisors. Possible to supervise 1-3 students/semester. Tutoring about 1-2h/week. Possible to use certificate (30h/semester) when applying for docentur. Bench fee MEB: 7000 kr/student.
Coordinators (exjob course): Each coordinator follows a group of 5-10 students during the semester. Reviews the projects, arrange two seminars (ie two full days), and gives written feedback on the papers according to our examination criteria. Preferably docent/experienced researcher. Reimbursement: 10 000 kr/student.
Examiners (exjob course): Written feedback according to examination criteria. Examination period: June (spring course) and Jan-Feb (fall course). Possible to examine 3-10 papers (approx 4h/paper). Preferably docent/experienced researcher and must have a teaching position (lärartjänst) at KI. Reimbursement: 4000 kr/paper.
MEB information brochure
MEB brochure - practical information and contact details
This link leads to "Your onboarding at KI" where you need to log in with your KI account to reach the specific information for MEB staff.
Timesheets reporting at MEB
SOP for timesheets at MEB
This link leads to the page "Documents you need" where you need to log in with your KI credentials to access MEB specific information.
MEB has set a standard operating practice that outlines the routine of timesheets for reporting salaries.
For salaries on projects where the funding agency require reporting of time (mainly EU and NIH projects) it is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that timesheets are handed in complete with signature and correctly filled in.
Those employees with their salaries coming from projects that require timesheets will receive an e-mail in the beginning of every month prompting them to fill in their timesheet, get it signed and hand it in by the 10th. Reminders will be sent out to the employee and PI of the project on the 11th. Those who at the end of the month have not handed in their timesheets will together with the PI be contacted again.
Failure to hand in timesheets will ultimately result in loss of funds. Timesheets must be filled in using the KI template for the current year.
Follow this link for instructions on how to fill out the timesheets and where to e-mail the digital copy and what to do with the signed original.
News and operating information
Research infrastructure at MEB
The Data Management Group - DMG
This link leads to the internal MEB site for data management which can only be accessed by employees at the department. The site contains guidelines and templates and the information is for researchers and staff at with direct or indirect contact with research data.
DMG is a collaboration group for IT, DBA, statisticians and researchers at MEB for issues relating to data management. The group identifies common processes and problems across research projects, and develop guidelines for staff.
Group leaders: Anna Johansson (Research), Vivekananda Lanka (IT), Keith Humphreys (Research), and Anna Hemmingsson (IT)
Applied biostatistics
This link opens an e-mail to Cecilia Lundholm.
The applied biostatistics group provides statistical support to MEB projects. The primary criteria for receiving statistical support is that the project is a "MEB project" or that MEB is receiving payment for statistical support if the project is not based at MEB.
Requests for statistical support should be sent to Cecilia Lundholm, Head of the applied biostatistics group, and include the following:
- A brief description of the project (e.g. a copy of grant application), aim, study design, data sources
- Approximate time plan
- Details of other people involved in the data management and analysis; for example, is there a DBA involved or another person (e.g. doctoral student or other student) who will be performing analyses.
- Details of the type of help required
- Details of funding if not a MEB project
We encourage researchers to contact us as early as possible in the process, as it will improve our services.
Signature from MEB Head of Department
This link opens an e-mail to
The head of finance and administration and the three deputy heads of department are all authorized to sign as Head of Department. Most documents requiring a signature from the “head of department” are not signed by the actual head of department. If you don’t know who will sign your document, send a mail to and ask. For documents that will be signed electronically, it’s important to prepare the document with the names of all signees before the first signature is made. Do not, for example, write the name of the head of department and then sign digitally unless you know for sure that the head of department will be the one who will sign.
The “obligatory shortcut” is only required for contracts and agreements. Relevant details for other documents can be provided in the e-mail to If it’s not obvious, then specify what sort of signature is required (e.g., hard copy, digital with eduSign, digital with DocuSign, etc.). Correspondence regarding signatures should be sent to but that e-mail address should not be specified in online systems (e.g., Prisma or ethics applications); the person signing needs to able to identify themselves with their personal login or personal Bank ID so their personal e-mail address must be specified.
Please include complete documents (including attachments); don’t just send the signature page. The head of department should be the last person at MEB to sign. If in doubt, write to and ask.
Please also note that grant applications that require a signature will only be signed once the budget is approved by Ann Almqvist, so contact her well ahead of the deadline. More information about that can be found in a text box below.
Support for research funding
This link leads to the page "Documents you need" where you need to log in with your KI credentials to access MEB specific information.
MEB provides support for all kinds of research funding from grant applications, project follow-up and reporting. Ann Almqvist has the overall responsibility, but always contact your research administrator to start with!
For all grant applications you need to have a MEB approved budget before submitting your proposal, this also applies to applications requiring help from KI Grants Office and applications without a budget. Approval can only be given by Ann Almqvist.
Applications that require a signature by head of department will only be signed once the budget is approved.
MEB provides budget templates for most funding agencies – these are obligatory for your budget to be approved. Note that the templates are not interchangeable, and are updated for each funding period. Always download the latest version from MEB Funding in Teams. To be added to the team, contact Gunilla Sonnebring. If the template you are looking for is not available contact Gunilla or Ann Almqvist.
Once your application is complete, e-mail for signatures. In case you need to specify an e-mail address in your application, always check beforehand whose e-mail to use! The deputy heads of department take responsibility for different applications.
Order registry data with help from MEB
This link leads to the page "Finding and collecting data" where you need to log in with your KI credentials to access MEB specific information, i.e., instructions on how to order register data.
To facilitate the procedure of register data orders from SoS (Socialstyrelsen/National Board of Health and Welfare), MEB has a superbeställare (Data Order Reviewer) in direct contact with the SoS Registerservice.
The superbeställare assists researchers in the process of ordering data from SoS and SCB (Statistiska centralbyrån/Statistics Sweden). Anna Johansson is superbeställare at MEB.
DBA-support at MEB
The database administrators can help out with system development and data collection (questionnaires, lab analysis) and extraction, transformation and loading of data (ETL).
To get assigned help from one of the data base administrators at MEB, please contact our IT manager Anna Hemmingsson.
Resources at MEB
HR support at MEB
This link opens an e-mail to
For questions on sick leave, vacation, parental leave, certificates and ergonomics: contact MEB's HR support by e-mail.
The PA web
Follow this link to access the PA-web to report sick leave for yourself or when caring for a sick child, make expense claims, apply for vacation, access your payslip and other matters relating to your employment, such as update your contact information, report secondary occupation, register sick leave, care of sick child and apply for leave and vacation.
You need to login with your KI password.
Remember: When you get sick you need to notify your manager on the first day and register sick leave in the PA-web where you also report when you return to work.
Finances at MEB
This link opens an e-mail to where you should send all your questions about finances.
Billing address: Karolinska Institutet, Fakturor, Box 23 109, SE-104 35 Stockholm. Always include a ZZ-reference!
Organisation number: 202100-2973
Vat number: SE202100297301
Reimbursements for work-related expenses
Here is a short guide to get reimbursed for work-related expenses.
For full details, please visit Before you log in to register your expenses or travel bill on the PA web (, please prepare all the documentation in advance. You should chose to register a travel bill if you want to claim per diem expenses (“traktamente”), otherwise just register an expense claim.
Checklist for compulsary items for all bills:
- Invitation or a confirmation of registration
- E-ticket/itinerary
- Program and/or an agenda
- If available: ”Certificate of attendance”
- Receipt for other expenses
- Other tickets, including receipt of payment.
For short trips, such as taxi within Stockholm and train to Uppsala, register an expense claim. Please note that you may only use the taxi company procured by KI (currently Flygtaxi).
You must always keep and attach the following documents:
- Invitation or a confirmation of registration (for a course/conference) or equivalent documentation
- Ticket and/or receipt
- Program and/or an agenda
Please note that food should not be itemized in your bill – it’s covered as a per diem instead. The only exception is if you have hosted guests, which you then should itemize as “representation” (more information:
For efficient handling, please make one PDF-document with all your receipts, tickets and documents.
A piece of advice: you can put all claims in one bill and register at once - just make sure you change the project number for the payment if not everything should be paid from the same project!
Take special care with projects funded by the EU or NIH: special rules apply, so contact your research administrator!
Hear from our researchers in the podcast Medicinvetarna

Tobias Nordström in Medicinvetarna: Do all men get prostate cancer?
Tobias Nordström is interviewed (in Swedish) in KI's podcast about the great challenge for healthcare and research to be able to distinguish between dangerous and harmless prostate cancer.

Mikael Landén in Medicinvetarna: Why do we need science?
Mikael Landén is interviewed (in Swedish) in KI's podcast about the need for evidence-based care and a scientific way of evaluating new knowledge.

Per Hall in Medicinvetarna: Can breast cancer be prevented?
Per Hall is interviewed (in Swedish) in KI's podcast about the importance of identifying women with high risk of breast cancer early in order to prevent the disease.

Emma Forssén in Medicinvetarna: Free from eating disorders?
Emma Forssén is interviewed (in Swedish) in KI's podcast about eating disorders; why they start and how they can be treated. There is help to be had!