KI's crisis organization and crisis management

A well-functioning crisis organization is important to be able to handle special events/crises and to minimize damage to KI's operations, employees, researchers and students. To achieve this, there are guidelines for the organization, supplemented by crisis plans.

Measures in an emergency situation

If the incident is of a major nature and affects life, health and property - call 112

When 112 is contacted, the security guard function must be informed by telephone:

  • Campus Solna: 08-524 864 29
  • Campus Flemingsberg: 08-524 860 60

After that, crisis management must be contacted and initiated.

Person writing at sticky notes.
Photo: Unsplash.

To be able to handle a special event/crisis, the document "Guidelines for Karolinska Institutet's crisis organization and crisis management" is available (in Swedish). They must facilitate the work of organizing a decision-making crisis organization.

The ability to handle a particular event/crisis is very much about preparing to handle the unexpected. Each event is unique and so is the handling.

It is important that there is preparedness in the workplace - not only to provide first aid in the event of accidents and illness, but also to meet the need for psychological and social care that arises for workers and students who are affected in various ways by acute crises, accidents or other serious events.

What is a special event/crisis?

  • A special event is an event that is so extensive or serious that resources must be organized, managed and used in a special way.
  • A crisis is an event that affects many people and large parts of the business. The crisis often occurs unexpectedly and without warning.



A sudden event can be an accident, a death, a fire or damage to infrastructure. The handling takes place directly in connection with the event and the crisis is a fact.


A crisis can build up successively through a series of indications and events linked to each other. Those concerned within KI are likely already aware of these, but have not necessarily identified them as a crisis yet. An overall assessment of the development of events determines whether it is a crisis.

Crisis of confidence

In a crisis of confidence, it is KI's credibility that is called into question. Such a special event could, for example, be triggered by fraud, corruption and mismanagement of public resources, unfounded or incorrect decisions or misconduct. A crisis of confidence often develops gradually and can have a very rapid course of events.

A crisis can arise anywhere and is dealt with primarily by ordinary operations. Only when the incident cannot be handled with ordinary available resources is it escalated to local or central crisis management.

Central crisis organization at KI

A central crisis management unit must exist at a central level and is appointed by President /University director or whoever acts in his stead. The central crisis management is staffed with functions that have a central, strategic and operational responsibility. The basic principle is that the crisis management should not be too large. Crisis managers for central crisis management may co-opt functions if necessary.

The President is ultimately responsible for the crisis organization and crisis management at KI and is responsible for crisis management at the central crisis management level.

Local crisis organization at KI

A local crisis management must exist at departmental level and is appointed by the head of department. It is activated when an event cannot be handled within ordinary operations or risks escalating into such a situation. It is better to activate the crisis management too often than the other way around.

The prefect is ultimately responsible for the crisis organization and crisis management at the institution and responsibility for crisis management at local crisis management level.

Guidelines and crisis plans

Below are guidelines for crisis organization and crisis management. They are supplemented with crisis plans for how the work at central and local level is to be organised.

The crisis management plan is revised when necessary, the security manager is responsible.



As an employee at KI, you have the opportunity to receive support in the event of a crisis. If you need crisis support, contact your nearest manager or HR manager at your institution. Students contact the course manager or student health.

In major crisis situations such as more severe accidents, serious threats, natural disasters, fire, KI's crisis organization steps in.

More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • All KI staff
  • C4.Department of Neuroscience
  • C7.Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics
  • C8.Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
  • H5.Department of Laboratory Medicine
  • K1.Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery
  • K6.Department of Women's and Children's Health
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