KI ReproNET Seminars
The ReproNET hosts seminars/ lectures with experts from Karolinska and partner institutions addressing the latest research works on Reproductive Medicine.

Lunch Webinars Spring 2025
Start 12:15 pm online
30 min talk + 10 min QA
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 688 0992 0689
Passcode: 021412
Tuesday the 11th of February
Professor Juha Kere
“Human embryonic genome activation in real life and in vitro”
Friday the 28th of March
Professor Luca Jovine
”Dissecting the mammalian egg coat structure to unveil the block to polyspermy, understand infertily and developing non-hormonal contraception”
Tuesday the 22nd of April
Docent Helen Kaipe
”The Immunological Niche of the Intervillous Space in the Placenta”
Thursday the 22nd of May
Docent Kyriaki Kosidou
”Contraceptive use and abortions in Stockholm: trends and disparities”
Tuesday the 17th of June
Professor Niklas Björkström
”Tissue-Specific Immune Dynamics in the Uterus: Insights from Endometrial NK Cells”
Webinars 2024
One a month at 12 pm on Zoom.
ZOOM links are sent with calendar invites.
Presentation 30-40 min + QA 15 min
Date Presenting Group
27 February Cecilia Lindskog
27 March Pauliina Damdimopoulou
18 April Brinton Seashore-Ludlow
29 May Cecilia Williams
27 August Andres Salumets
24 September Qiaolin Deng
17 October ReproClub IRL4 event
26 November Ina Schuppe Koistinen
Participating groups
Agne Velthult-Meikas, Tallinn Technical University
Andres Salumets, CLINTEC
Angelica Linden-Hirschberg, KBH
Brinton Seashore-Ludlow, OnkPat
Cecilia Lindskog Bergström, Uppsala University
Cecilia Williams, SciLifeLab / KTH
Elisabet Stener-Victorin, FYFA
Ganesh Acharya, CLINTEC
Ivan Nalvarte, NVS
Jan-Bernd Stukenborg, KBH
Kenny Rodriguez-Wallberg, OnkPat
Kristina Gemzell-Danielsson, KBH
Luca Jovine, MedH
Magdalena Fossum, KBH
Pauliina Damdimopoulou, CLINTEC
Qiaolin Deng, FYFA
If you would like to join ReproClub, please email
24 September 2024
Dissect placenta’s role in Developmental origin of Health and Disease
Speaker: Hong Jiang, PhD Student, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet
Meeting ID: 641 7246 4688
14 November 2023
Reconstruction of Reproductive organs for research and reprodcution
Speaker: Katsuhuko Hayashi, Professor, Department of Genome Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
24 October 2023
Mapping the Cellular and Molecular Dynamics of Human Materno-fetal Immune Interface
Speaker: Burcu Ayoglu, PI at the Division of Cellular and Clinical Proteomics, KTH
Applying multiplexed imaging in your research using the Spatial
Proteomics Facility at SciLifelab
Speaker: Charlotte Stadler, Head of Spatial Proteomics Unit, SciLifeLab
25 October 2022
Single-cell RNA-seq analysis and cell cluster deconvolution of the human preovulatory follicular fluid cells provide insights into the pathophysiology of ovarian response
Speaker: Prof. Agne Velthult-Mekias (Tartu University)
30 August 2022
Single-cell transcriptomic analyses of early embryonic development and developmental programming by androgen excess
Speaker: Yu Pei (Karolinska Institutet - Deng Lab)