Information Management at KI
The programme "Information Management at KI" was active during 2019-2022, and aimed to implement KI's information Management Strategy, developed and decides in 2019 as part of KI's Strategy 2030. The purpose was to create common and established ways forward for management of information and data at Karolinska Institutet.
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Examples of projects within the programme:
Systems Support for Research Information
A key point in Strategy 2030 and the information management strategy was that the visibility and availability of information about research at KI needed to be improved. The aim was to create a more coherent management of KI:s research information so that the information becomes more searchable, accessible and visible, and easier to manage for both researchers and operational support. The implementation of a Research Information Management System (RIMS) at KI continued after the end of the programme and in KI RIMS was launched in October 2023.
Coordinated IT Operations
The project Coordinated IT Operations is currently being implemented at KI. The aim of the project is a secure IT environment for all employees at KI.
Clinicum: Common support structures for clinical research within KI and the Stockholm Region
The project is a collaboration between KI and the Stockholm Region's various actors in health and medical care. The goal is to create an organized support for researchers who need access to clinical data and/or various types of support within data management and methodology.