Information management programme objectives

The programme "Information Management at KI" was launched in September 2019 to implement KI's Information Management Strategy, that was set earlier that year. The new information management strategy had a broad scope, targeting both challenges within KI's delivery and government of IT services, and KI's data management in research and education activities. Information management was defined as all processes and technology that supports management of data and information at Karolinska Institutet

Programme objectives

The overall objective of the programme was to initiate the implementation of KI's strategy for information management, and to ensure the internal organisations' capability to continue the development of information managment activities. The strategy's prioritised areas were defined as follows:

Sufficient IT-governance and endurance in change management

By establishing a steering IT council or changes in the IT delivery, and by working systematically with the monitoring and management of IT changes, KI will be able to withdraw an increased value out of ongoing and future change projects.

Flexible, transparent and secure IT services

Through a developed and refined offering, continued coordination of IT operations and active management of information and IT security, KI will acquire a more situation adapted and safe delivery of basic IT-services. 

Structures for development av education environment and student dialogue

The classrooms will be digitalised and virtualised, and KI will build competence in utilising data on students' learning habits and performance, in order to adapt educational pedagogics and communication towards students and alumni.

Management of research data and information along the research process

KI will build capabilities for supporting research groups in their data management along the research process, from study design and data collection, via data processing and analysis, to making data accessible and archiving of the data.

A coherent infrastructure with Region Stockholm, and efficient cooperation in national and international associations

Through an active and a focused participation with the region to build the future health care information environment (FVM), KI will contribute to making IT environments and processes around clinical research and education more integrated between Region Stockholm and KI. Mandate and responsibility for national cooperation will be clarified.

Plan and organisation

The strategy's timeframe was 2019-2022, and the programme was expected to keep running until the point where KI's internal organisations had built the capacity to take the responsibility for continued strategy implementation.

The activities within the programme were prioritized and determined by the steering committee, and implemented under the management of the programme management team.

Some activities were handled by internal organisations, and some were managed in the form of a project within the programme.


For questions about the strategy and the program, please contact Jonas Molander.

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