Laboratory water
In Biomedicum deionized water is available from the taps with a green knob in the apparatus rooms, and deionized and sterile water from the MilliQ flasks in the clean glas rooms on each laboratory floor.

Deionized water
Each quarter have taps for deionized water in the apparatus room. The tap is identified by the green WDI knob. The deionized water is equivalent to quality ASTM type II, but is not sterilized. This grade of water is commonly used for preparing buffers and cultivation media before sterilization.
Please contact FM before installation of any apparatus to the deionized water system.
Bottled MilliQ water
The dish and sterilization facility tap MilliQ-water in designated glass bottles only used for this purpose. The bottles are autoclaved before delivered and stored in the room for clean lab glassware at each floor. NB that this grade of water is sterilized but not endotoxin or RNAse free.
The MilliQ-machine (Milli-Q IQ 7000 Ultrapure Lab Water System) have regular service to ensure the water quality, and the filter (Millipak 0.22 um) is changed regularly.