Organisation: C1 Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology

Postal address: C1 Mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi, C1 Clinical Genomics and Virology, 171 77 Stockholm



Jan Albertprofessor, senior
Tobias Allanderadjunct senior lecturer
Ahmed Aminsystem developer
Lili Andersson-Libioinformatician
Amanj BajalanPhD student
Manoj Bandaruresearch engineer
Claudia Beck Eichler JonssonAffiliated to research
Tor Björgenbioinformatician
Gordana BogdanovicAffiliated to research
Eliott BosshardAffiliated to research
Sandra Broddessonresearch engineer
Rasmus Burgebioinformatician
Eva CaceresAffiliated to research
Sascha ConradtAffiliated to research
Mirko ContiAffiliated to research
Abigayle DalbyOther
Mohammed Darrahsystem developer
Juan Sebastian Diaz Boadasystem developer
Robert DyrdakAffiliated to research
Eva ErikssonAffiliated to research
Marcela GallardoAffiliated to research
Anna Gellerbringproject coordinator
Malin GrabbeAffiliated to research
Marta GranströmAffiliated to research
Lena GrillnerAffiliated to research
Joel GruseliusOther
Moa Hägglundbioinformatician
Anders Jemthead of unit
Mathias Johanssonbioinformatician
Foteini KanellidouAffiliated to research
Mattias KarlssonAffiliated to research
Vasileios Evripidis Kyriakidisresearch engineer
Linnéa la Fleurresearch engineer
Samuel LampaAffiliated to research
Felix LennerAffiliated to research
Anders LindAffiliated to research
Ida Lindegaardresearch engineer
Anna Lyanderhead of unit
Amir Nematollahi MahaniAffiliated to research
Khurram Maqboolbioinformatician
Cecilia Mattssonresearch engineer
Susanne Månérresearch engineer
Ramprasad NeethirajAffiliated to research
Karl Nyrénbioinformatician
Christian Oertlinbioinformatician
Isak Ohlsson ÅngnellAffiliated to research
Vincent Peyrard Janvidhead of unit
Peter PruisscherAffiliated to research
Chiara Rasibioinformatician
Emilia Regazzoniresearch engineer
Annick Reneveybioinformatician
Maria Revenikiotiproject coordinator
Beatriz Sá VinhasAffiliated to research
Maria Salliresearch engineer
Sofia Stamoulibioinformatician
Simon Sundlingresearch engineer
Karl Svärdbioinformatician
Evangelia TsergaAffiliated to research
Elin WicksellOther
Valtteri Wirtahead of office
Anna Zetterlundresearch engineer
Johan ÖckingerAffiliated to research