
Postal address: C1 Mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi, C1 Microbial Pathogenesis Henriques/Normark, 171 77 Stockholm



Marie-Stephanie aschtgenresearch specialist
Sarp BamyaciAffiliated to research
Erik Bensonassistant professor
Helena BergstenAffiliated to research
Nils Johan Pontus BlockPhD Student
Karin BlomqvistAffiliated to research
John Bossbioinformatician
Marlene BrücknerOther
Maria Carlsonadministrative group manager
Luni ChenOther
Andrea Del Vallepostdoctoral researcher
Analucia Diaz Lostaoresearch assistant
Rebecca Dookieresearch specialist
Lisa Eichhornresearch assistant
Hannes Eichnerpostdoctoral researcher
Olof Eskilsonpostdoctoral researcher
Jan-Ingmar FlockAffiliated to research
Margaux Gaborieauresearch assistant
Meztlli Gaytánresearch specialist
Chris Hadjineophytoupostdoctoral researcher
Pedro Henriquespostdoctoral researcher
Birgitta Henriques Normarkprofessor/senior physician
Karina HentrichAffiliated to research
Max HeurgrenPhD student
Tisha Kalongiresearch assistant
Jens Karlssonpostdoctoral researcher
Niki Karoutapostdoctoral researcher
Stefan Kreidapostdoctoral researcher
Edmund Lohprincipal researcher
Sandra MuschiolOther
Priyanka Nannapanenibioinformatician
Anandi Narayana Moorthypostdoctoral researcher
Ana Rita Narcisoresearch specialist
Staffan Normarkprofessor, senior
Jakub Palackaresearch assistant
Jakob Palmresearch assistant
Vikrant Pandyaresearch assistant
Alexandros PetropoulosPhD Student
Stephen Julien PietermanPhD student
Anjali Rajwarpostdoctoral researcher
Reshma Ramachandranpostdoctoral researcher
Mikael Rhenprofessor
Francesco Righettiresearch specialist
Matilde Ruasresearch assistant
Maria SamaraPhD Student
Axel Tobias Scholzteaching assistant
Sigrún Thórsdóttirpostdoctoral researcher
Georgios Sotiriouprincipal researcher
Vasiliki TsikourkitoudiAffiliated to research
Meri Uusi-Mäkeläpostdoctoral researcher
Yongbao ZhuangPhD student