
Postal address: C1 Mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi, C1 Virology and Immunology Westerberg, 171 77 Stockholm



Fredrik BaecklundAffiliated to research
Rhaissa Calixto Vieirapostdoctoral researcher
Roberta D´AulerioPhD student
Pia Dosenovicprincipal researcher
Evangelos DoukoumopoulosPhD student
Laura EibenPhD student
Sofía García Hernándezresearch assistant
Lia Goncalves PinhoPostdoctoral studies
Minghui Hesenior research specialist
Erik HyllnerPhD student
Marton KeszeiAffiliated to research
Gabriel Machado Matosbioinformatician
Julien RecordPostdoctoral studies
Manon TermotePhD student
Ingrid Louise WelénOther
Lisa Westerbergprofessor
Tracer YongPhD student