

Postal address: C3 Fysiologi och farmakologi, C3 FyFa Anestesiologi, 171 77 Stockholm


C3.FyFa.Anestesiologi.Perioperative assessment of patients with obstructive sleep apnea
C3.FyFa.Anestesiologi.Towards personalized physiology in Intensive Care
C3.Anestesiologi.Sex and gender aspects on intensive care
C3.FyFa.Anestesiologi.Long-term outcomes after perioperative and intensive care


Shahzad AkramAffiliated to research
Andreas AnderssonAffiliated to research
Marie Anell OlofssonAffiliated to research
Bjarni ArnasonAffiliated to research
Tommy BatzPhD Student
Max Bellsenior lecturer/senior physician
Jonas BernerAffiliated to research
Håkan BjörneAffiliated to research
Jonas BlixtAffiliated to research
Lars Mikael BromanAffiliated to research
Michael BrooméAffiliated to research
Marcus BrynolfPhD Student
Marcus BådholmPhD Student
Francesca Campoccia JaldeAffiliated to research
Jesper CollovinAffiliated to research
Shanay DahamPhD Student
Bijan DarvishAffiliated to research
Tanja DobrosavljevicAffiliated to research
Karin EricsonPhD Student
Anette Ebberydresearch engineer
Leif EkmarkPhD Student
Isabelle Elger SzepsPhD Student
Ida EngqvistPhD Student
Lars I Erikssonprofessor
Jesper ErikssonAffiliated to research
Ryan Falck-JonesPhD Student
Anna FalkAffiliated to research
Lars FalkAffiliated to research
Benjamin FlamPhD Student
Urban FläringAffiliated to research
Noomi ForsbergAffiliated to research
Ida-Maria GustafssonAffiliated to research
Ola FrimanPhD Student
Gabriel FuchsPhD Student
Thomas FuxAffiliated to research
Mikael GellerforsAffiliated to research
Marta Gómezsenior research specialist
Daniela GordonAffiliated to research
Anna GranströmPhD Student
Anil GuptaAffiliated to research
Niklas GustafssonPhD Student
Linn HallqvistAffiliated to research
Tova Hannegård HamrinAffiliated to research
Emma HasselgrenAffiliated to research
Magnus HedbergAffiliated to research
Eva HedlundAffiliated to research
Daniel HertzbergAffiliated to research
Malin HildenborgAffiliated to research
Frida HoffmanPhD Student
Elsa Hägglöfclinical assistant
Caroline Hällsjö SanderAffiliated to research
Riccardo IacobelliPhD Student
Malin Jonsson Fagerlundsenior lecturer/senior physician
Cecilia KallinAffiliated to research
Jacob KarlssonAffiliated to research
Naima KilhamnPhD Student
Jessica KåhlinAffiliated to research
Emma LarssonAffiliated to research
Björn LarssonAffiliated to research
Ellen LeigardPhD Student
Sten LindahlProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Ulf LindestamPhD Student
Ann-Charlotte LindströmAffiliated to research
Martin LindströmAffiliated to research
Camilla LinnarssonPhD Student
Stefan LundebergAffiliated to research
Per-Arne Lönnqvistprofessor/senior physician
Gunilla LööfAffiliated to research
Anna MiltonAffiliated to research
Souren Mkrtchiansenior research specialist
Johan Mårtenssonsenior lecturer/senior physician
Atosa NejatianPhD Student
David NelsonAffiliated to research
Per NordbergAffiliated to research
Jesper Erik NymanAffiliated to research
Daniel OhlénPhD Student
Anders Oldneradjunct professor
Johan OlssonPhD Student
Gunnar OlssonAffiliated to research
Johan PeterssonAffiliated to research
Linn PetterssonPhD Student
Pavla PokornáAffiliated to research
Patrick PurdonAffiliated to research
Mårten RenbergAffiliated to research
Claire Elizabeth Rimes StigareAffiliated to research
Peter RudbergAffiliated to research
Susanne RyszAffiliated to research
Karl RönnegårdPhD Student
Peter SackeyAffiliated to research
Anna ScheningAffiliated to research
Albin SjöblomAffiliated to research
Martin SlettengrenAffiliated to research
Hanna SmedsAffiliated to research
Navid SoltaniPhD Student
Anna SundelinAffiliated to research
Anna Sofia SundströmPhD Student
Anders SvedmyrPhD Student
Sanna TavakoliAffiliated to research
Johan ThermaeniusPhD Student
Ragnar ThobabenAffiliated to research
Daniel TörnbergAffiliated to research
Arman ValadkhaniPhD Student
Jan van der LindenAffiliated to research
Erik Von OelreichAffiliated to research
Mats Karl Erik Bengt WallinAffiliated to research
Michael WanecekAffiliated to research
Fredrik WernstålPhD Student
Matilda WidaeusPhD Student
Andreas WiklundAffiliated to research
Cecilia ÅkerlundAffiliated to research
Tomas ÖhmanPhD Student