

Postal address: C3 Fysiologi och farmakologi, C3 FyFa Anestesiologi, 171 77 Stockholm


C3.FyFa.Anestesiologi.Perioperative assessment of patients with obstructive sleep apnea
C3.FyFa.Anestesiologi.Towards personalized physiology in Intensive Care
C3.Anestesiologi.Sex and gender aspects on intensive care
C3.FyFa.Anestesiologi.Long-term outcomes after perioperative and intensive care


Shahzad Akram Affiliated to research
Andreas Andersson Affiliated to research
Marie Anell Olofsson Affiliated to research
Bjarni Arnason Affiliated to research
Tommy Batz PhD Student
Max Bell senior lecturer/senior physician
Jonas Berner Affiliated to research
Håkan Björne Affiliated to research
Jonas Blixt Affiliated to research
Lars Mikael Broman Affiliated to research
Michael Broomé Affiliated to research
Marcus Brynolf PhD Student
Francesca Campoccia Jalde Affiliated to research
Eva Christensson Affiliated to research
Jesper Collovin Affiliated to research
Shanay Daham PhD Student
Bijan Darvish Affiliated to research
Tanja Dobrosavljevic Affiliated to research
Anette Ebberyd research engineer
Isabelle Elger Szeps PhD Student
Lars I Eriksson professor
Karin Elisabeth Eriksson PhD Student
Jesper Eriksson PhD Student
Ryan Falck-Jones PhD Student
Lars Falk Affiliated to research
Benjamin Flam PhD Student
Urban Fläring Affiliated to research
Noomi Forsberg Affiliated to research
Ida-Maria Gustafsson Affiliated to research
Ola Friman PhD Student
Gabriel Fuchs PhD Student
Thomas Fux Affiliated to research
Mikael Gellerfors Affiliated to research
Marta Gómez senior research specialist
Daniela Gordon Affiliated to research
Anna Granström PhD Student
Anil Gupta Affiliated to research
Niklas Gustafsson PhD Student
Halla Halldorsdottir PhD Student
Linn Hallqvist Affiliated to research
Tova Hannegård Hamrin Affiliated to research
Emma Hasselgren Affiliated to research
Magnus Hedberg Affiliated to research
Eva Hedlund Affiliated to research
Daniel Hertzberg Affiliated to research
Malin Hildenborg Affiliated to research
Frida Hoffman PhD Student
Elsa Hägglöf PhD Student
Caroline Hällsjö Sander Affiliated to research
Riccardo Iacobelli PhD Student
Malin Jonsson Fagerlund senior lecturer/senior physician
Cecilia Kallin Affiliated to research
Jacob Karlsson Affiliated to research
Naima Kilhamn PhD Student
Jessica Kåhlin Affiliated to research
Emma Larsson Affiliated to research
Björn Larsson Affiliated to research
Peter Larsson Affiliated to research
Ellen Leigard PhD Student
Sten Lindahl Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Ulf Lindestam PhD Student
Ann-Charlotte Lindström PhD Student
Camilla Linnarsson PhD Student
Stefan Lundeberg Affiliated to research
Per-Arne Lönnqvist professor/senior physician
Gunilla Lööf Affiliated to research
Claes-Roland Martling Affiliated to research
Anna Milton Affiliated to research
Souren Mkrtchian senior research specialist
Johan Mårtensson senior lecturer/senior physician
Atosa Nejatian PhD Student
David Nelson Affiliated to research
Per Nordberg Affiliated to research
Jesper Erik Nyman Affiliated to research
Daniel Ohlén PhD Student
Anders Oldner adjunct professor
Johan Olsson PhD Student
Gunnar Olsson Affiliated to research
Johan Petersson Affiliated to research
Pavla Pokorná Affiliated to research
Patrick Purdon Affiliated to research
Mårten Renberg Affiliated to research
Claire Elizabeth Rimes Stigare Affiliated to research
Peter Rudberg Affiliated to research
Susanne Rysz Affiliated to research
Karl Rönnegård PhD Student
Peter Sackey Affiliated to research
Anna Schening Affiliated to research
Albin Sjöblom Affiliated to research
Martin Slettengren Affiliated to research
Navid Soltani PhD Student
Anna Sofia Sundström PhD Student
Anders Svedmyr PhD Student
Sanna Tavakoli Affiliated to research
Johan Thermaenius PhD Student
Ragnar Thobaben Affiliated to research
Daniel Törnberg Affiliated to research
Arman Valadkhani PhD Student
Mats Karl Erik Bengt Wallin Affiliated to research
Jan van der Linden Affiliated to research
Michael Wanecek Affiliated to research
Eddie Weitzberg professor/senior physician
Fredrik Wernstål PhD Student
Matilda Widaeus PhD Student
Andreas Wiklund Affiliated to research
Erik Von Oelreich Affiliated to research
Cecilia Åkerlund Affiliated to research
Tomas Öhman PhD Student