Postal address: C3 Fysiologi och farmakologi, C3 FyFa Anestesiologi, 171 77 Stockholm
Shahzad Akram | Affiliated to research |
Andreas Andersson | Affiliated to research |
Marie Anell Olofsson | Affiliated to research |
Bjarni Arnason | Affiliated to research |
Tommy Batz | PhD Student |
Max Bell | senior lecturer/senior physician |
Jonas Berner | Affiliated to research |
Håkan Björne | Affiliated to research |
Jonas Blixt | Affiliated to research |
Lars Mikael Broman | Affiliated to research |
Michael Broomé | Affiliated to research |
Marcus Brynolf | PhD Student |
Marcus Bådholm | PhD Student |
Francesca Campoccia Jalde | Affiliated to research |
Jesper Collovin | Affiliated to research |
Shanay Daham | PhD Student |
Bijan Darvish | Affiliated to research |
Tanja Dobrosavljevic | Affiliated to research |
Karin Ericson | PhD Student |
Anette Ebberyd | research engineer |
Leif Ekmark | PhD Student |
Isabelle Elger Szeps | PhD Student |
Ida Engqvist | PhD Student |
Lars I Eriksson | professor |
Jesper Eriksson | Affiliated to research |
Ryan Falck-Jones | PhD Student |
Anna Falk | Affiliated to research |
Lars Falk | Affiliated to research |
Benjamin Flam | PhD Student |
Urban Fläring | Affiliated to research |
Noomi Forsberg | Affiliated to research |
Ida-Maria Gustafsson | Affiliated to research |
Ola Friman | PhD Student |
Gabriel Fuchs | PhD Student |
Thomas Fux | Affiliated to research |
Mikael Gellerfors | Affiliated to research |
Marta Gómez | senior research specialist |
Daniela Gordon | Affiliated to research |
Anna Granström | PhD Student |
Anil Gupta | Affiliated to research |
Niklas Gustafsson | PhD Student |
Linn Hallqvist | Affiliated to research |
Tova Hannegård Hamrin | Affiliated to research |
Emma Hasselgren | Affiliated to research |
Magnus Hedberg | Affiliated to research |
Eva Hedlund | Affiliated to research |
Daniel Hertzberg | Affiliated to research |
Malin Hildenborg | Affiliated to research |
Frida Hoffman | PhD Student |
Elsa Hägglöf | clinical assistant |
Caroline Hällsjö Sander | Affiliated to research |
Riccardo Iacobelli | PhD Student |
Malin Jonsson Fagerlund | senior lecturer/senior physician |
Cecilia Kallin | Affiliated to research |
Jacob Karlsson | Affiliated to research |
Naima Kilhamn | PhD Student |
Jessica Kåhlin | Affiliated to research |
Emma Larsson | Affiliated to research |
Björn Larsson | Affiliated to research |
Ellen Leigard | PhD Student |
Sten Lindahl | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Ulf Lindestam | PhD Student |
Ann-Charlotte Lindström | Affiliated to research |
Martin Lindström | Affiliated to research |
Camilla Linnarsson | PhD Student |
Stefan Lundeberg | Affiliated to research |
Per-Arne Lönnqvist | professor/senior physician |
Gunilla Lööf | Affiliated to research |
Anna Milton | Affiliated to research |
Souren Mkrtchian | senior research specialist |
Johan Mårtensson | senior lecturer/senior physician |
Atosa Nejatian | PhD Student |
David Nelson | Affiliated to research |
Per Nordberg | Affiliated to research |
Jesper Erik Nyman | Affiliated to research |
Daniel Ohlén | PhD Student |
Anders Oldner | adjunct professor |
Johan Olsson | PhD Student |
Gunnar Olsson | Affiliated to research |
Johan Petersson | Affiliated to research |
Linn Pettersson | PhD Student |
Pavla Pokorná | Affiliated to research |
Patrick Purdon | Affiliated to research |
Mårten Renberg | Affiliated to research |
Claire Elizabeth Rimes Stigare | Affiliated to research |
Peter Rudberg | Affiliated to research |
Susanne Rysz | Affiliated to research |
Karl Rönnegård | PhD Student |
Peter Sackey | Affiliated to research |
Anna Schening | Affiliated to research |
Albin Sjöblom | Affiliated to research |
Martin Slettengren | Affiliated to research |
Hanna Smeds | Affiliated to research |
Navid Soltani | PhD Student |
Anna Sundelin | Affiliated to research |
Anna Sofia Sundström | PhD Student |
Anders Svedmyr | PhD Student |
Sanna Tavakoli | Affiliated to research |
Johan Thermaenius | PhD Student |
Ragnar Thobaben | Affiliated to research |
Daniel Törnberg | Affiliated to research |
Arman Valadkhani | PhD Student |
Jan van der Linden | Affiliated to research |
Erik Von Oelreich | Affiliated to research |
Mats Karl Erik Bengt Wallin | Affiliated to research |
Michael Wanecek | Affiliated to research |
Fredrik Wernstål | PhD Student |
Matilda Widaeus | PhD Student |
Andreas Wiklund | Affiliated to research |
Cecilia Åkerlund | Affiliated to research |
Tomas Öhman | PhD Student |