Organisation: C4 Department of Neuroscience

Postal address: C4 Neurovetenskap, C4 AIMES, 171 77 Stockholm



Hanna BarrigaAffiliated to research
Meike BleeksmaPhD Student
Thomas CrouzierAffiliated to research
Ulrica EdlundAffiliated to research
Hugo Hammarresearch assistant
Anna Herlandprincipal researcher
Julia Langpostdoctoral researcher
Susanne LöfflerAffiliated to research
Keira Melicanprincipal researcher
Inger OdnevallAffiliated to research
Sanhita Raypostdoctoral researcher
Agneta Richter Dahlforsprofessor
Aman RussomAffiliated to research
Alina SchmidtPhD Student
Atefeh Shafaatpostdoctoral researcher
Mariam ShahataPhD student
Kateryna Solodkapostdoctoral researcher
Linda Thörnoperations controller
Tingting Wulaboratory technician
Hongji YanAffiliated to research
Erica ZeglioAffiliated to research