
Postal address: C6 Institutet för miljömedicin, C6 Miljömedicinsk epidemiologi Ljungman, 171 77 Stockholm


Daniel AdsheadAffiliated to research
Östen AxelssonAffiliated to research
Mian Baopostdoctoral researcher
Tom Bellanderprofessor
Alessandro BertiAffiliated to research
Marcus DahlquistAffiliated to research
Jeroen de Bontassistant professor
Jessica Edstorppostdoctoral researcher
Elodie Eiffenerpostdoctoral researcher
Kristina EnerothAffiliated to research
Charlotta Erikssonprincipal researcher
Marie Flycktresearch assistant
Antonios GeorgelisAffiliated to research
Suganthi Jaganathan
Petter Ljungmanprincipal researcher
Mare Löhmus Sundströmprincipal researcher
Laura MaclachlanAffiliated to research
Anne-Sophie MerrittAffiliated to research
Nikolaus Mezgerresearch assistant
Rachel Murekateteresearch assistant
Huyen Nguyen Thi KhanhPhD student
Göran Pershagenprofessor, senior
Giorgia SoldaAffiliated to research
Massimo Stafoggiaadjunct senior lecturer
Lara StuckiAffiliated to research
Emily YamronExternal scholarship
Mikael ÖgrenAffiliated to research