
Postal address: C6 Institutet för miljömedicin, C6 Integrativ epidemiologi Lu, 171 77 Stockholm


Emma Brännresearch specialist
Yufeng Chenpostdoctoral researcher
Florentina HasaniAffiliated to research
Elgeta HysajPhD student
Osuto KawadaAffiliated to research
Rebecka Keijserpostdoctoral researcher
Jiayi LiAffiliated to research
Ida LindbergAffiliated to research
Donghao Luassistant professor
Saba MohammadiAffiliated to research
Zeinab MuseAffiliated to research
Alicia Nevrianapostdoctoral researcher
Marion OpatowskiAffiliated to research
Qing ShenAffiliated to research
Qiwei WangAffiliated to research
Per WikmanAffiliated to research
Yihui YangPhD student
Hang YuPhD student
Milan ZarchevAffiliated to research
Jing ZhouPhD student