Organisation: C6 Institute of Environmental Medicine

Postal address: C6 Institutet för miljömedicin, C6 Integrativ metabolomik, 171 77 Stockholm



Willem AbmaAffiliated to research
Maria BelikovaAffiliated to research
Bornini ChakrabortyAffiliated to research
Antonio Checasenior research infrastructure specialist
Sven-Erik Dahlénprofessor, senior
Angélica Díaz BasabeExternal scholarship
Julia Bianca EggerAffiliated to research
Estelle Gilabertresearch assistant
Gerhard HagnPostdoctoral studies
Mats HambergAffiliated to research
Johan Kolmertassistant professor
Grace RatleyPhD Student
Rana SerenPhD student
Matthew SmithPostdoctoral studies
Jesper Säfholmresearch specialist
Helena ThulinAffiliated to research
Marco VicariAffiliated to research
Craig Wheelockprincipal researcher