Research group Medical Ethics
Organisation: Division for Stockholm Centre for Healthcare Ethics (CHE)
Postal address: C7 Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik, C7 Etik Helgesson, 171 77 Stockholm
Team for Historiy of medicine and science |
Hedvig Andersson | assistant librarian |
Lo Barck | librarian |
Sara Belfrage | Affiliated to research |
Jenny Berg | Affiliated to research |
Helene Bodegård | PhD student |
Kristina Burström | Affiliated to research |
Anne Chang | assistant librarian |
Marie Chenik | Other |
Malin Eneslätt | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Hjalmar Fors | head of unit |
Amina Guenna Holmgren | lecturer |
Linda Gyllström Krekula | Affiliated to research |
Gert Helgesson | professor |
Annelie Jonsson | administrator |
Maria Josephson | administrative officer |
Niklas Juth | Affiliated to research |
Petter Karlsson | PhD Student |
Ulrik Kihlbom | professor |
Eva Lagging | PhD Student |
Anna Lindblad | Affiliated to research |
Olof Ljungström | head of unit |
Antoinette Lundahl | Affiliated to research |
Niels Lynöe | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Tomas Månsson | lecturer |
Nicolas Olsson Yaouzis | Affiliated to research |
Manne Sjöstrand | researcher |
Annika Tibell | adjunct professor |
Carol Tishelman | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Eva Åhrén | head of office |
Mimmi Åström | Affiliated to research |