Research group Medical Ethics

Organisation: Division for Stockholm Centre for Healthcare Ethics (CHE)

Postal address: C7 Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik, C7 Etik Helgesson, 171 77 Stockholm


Team for Historiy of medicine and science


Hedvig Anderssonassistant librarian
Lo Barcklibrarian
Sara BelfrageAffiliated to research
Jenny BergAffiliated to research
Helene BodegårdPhD student
Kristina BurströmAffiliated to research
Anne Changassistant librarian
Marie ChenikOther
Malin EneslättAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Hjalmar Forshead of unit
Amina Guenna Holmgrenlecturer
Linda Gyllström KrekulaAffiliated to research
Gert Helgessonprofessor
Annelie Jonssonadministrator
Maria Josephsonadministrative officer
Niklas JuthAffiliated to research
Petter KarlssonPhD Student
Ulrik Kihlbomprofessor
Eva LaggingPhD Student
Anna LindbladAffiliated to research
Olof Ljungströmhead of unit
Antoinette LundahlAffiliated to research
Niels LynöeProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Tomas Månssonlecturer
Nicolas Olsson YaouzisAffiliated to research
Manne Sjöstrandresearcher
Annika Tibelladjunct professor
Carol TishelmanProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Eva Åhrénhead of office
Mimmi ÅströmAffiliated to research