Organisation: Unit for Health Informatics Centre

Postal address: C7 Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik, C7 Informatik Koch Karlgren, 171 77 Stockholm


Angelica FredholmAffiliated to research
Maxine Harjaniresearch assistant
Ani HenttonenAffiliated to research
Hans HjelmqvistAffiliated to research
Klas Karlgrenprincipal researcher
Charilaos KoufidisAffiliated to research
Pernilla Lundhadjunct lecturer
Katri ManninenAffiliated to research
Thorhalla SigurdadottirPhD Student
Charlotte Silénsenior lecturer
Natalia Stathakarouproject coordinator
Cara SwainPhD Student
Jennifer Valckelecturer
Margareta WesterbotnAffiliated to research