K1 Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery


Postal address: K1 Molekylär medicin och kirurgi, 171 77 Stockholm



Goran AbdulaAffiliated to research
Hidaya AbdulrahimPhD Student
Mirna Abraham NordlingAffiliated to research
Paul Ackermannprofessor/assistant senior physician
Christofer AddingAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Madelene Ahlbergresearch nurse
Gunnar AhlbergAffiliated to research
Aisha Siddiqah AhmedAffiliated to research
Mona AhmedAffiliated to research
Mary Margaret AjikoAffiliated to research
Olof Akreprofessor/senior physician
Mamdoh Al-AmeriAffiliated to research
Nelida Ines Aliaga SanchezPhD student
Jessica AllerborgAffiliated to research
Michael AlvarssonAffiliated to research
Malin Alvehusresearch specialist
Markus AlyAffiliated to research
Britt Marie AnderlidAffiliated to research
Eva AnderssonAffiliated to research
Daniel AnderssonPhD student
Jovan Antovicprofessor/senior physician
Lars Erik ArnbergAffiliated to research
Cecilia ArthurAffiliated to research
Oskar AspegrenPhD Student
Johannes AsplundAffiliated to research
Susanna AufwerberAffiliated to research
Magnus AxelsonAffiliated to research
Rimma Axelssonprofessor/senior physician
Anton AxelssonPhD Student
Lena BacklundAffiliated to research
Malin BackmanAffiliated to research
Fredrik BaecklundAffiliated to research
Naseer BalochAffiliated to research
Benedicte BangPhD Student
Gisela BarbanyAffiliated to research
Michela BarbaroAffiliated to research
Björn BareniusAffiliated to research
Christopher Barkersenior research specialist
Afroditi BaroutiAffiliated to research
Dominyka BatkovskyteAffiliated to research
Henrik BauerAffiliated to research
Lisa BearparkPhD Student
Buse Yel BektashPhD student
Eva Bengtsson MoströmAffiliated to research
Sophie Bensingsenior lecturer/senior physician
Per-Olof Berggrenprofessor, senior
Erik BerglundAffiliated to research
David BerglundAffiliated to research
Katarina BerinderAffiliated to research
Soheir BesharaAffiliated to research
Shreelatha Bhatadministrator
Kristine Bilgrav SaetherPhD student
Javier Ernesto Bisbal ZentenoOther
Markus BjurbomPhD Student
Annie BjärebackPhD Student
Erik Björckadjunct senior lecturer
Johan BjörklundAffiliated to research
Anneli BjörklundAffiliated to research
Marie Björnholmsenior research specialist
Sofia Björnsdotter ÖbergPhD student
Sigridur BjörnsdottirAffiliated to research
Olof BladinPhD Student
Katarina BlomPostdoctoral studies
Lennart Blomqvistprofessor/senior physician
Marko BogdanovicAffiliated to research
Darko BogdanovicAffiliated to research
Björn BolmstrandAffiliated to research
Sol Erika Bomanproject coordinator
Helena Boström WindhamreAffiliated to research
Erik BraatzPhD Student
Aidan Bradypostdoctoral researcher
Fredrik BredinAffiliated to research
Kerstin Brismarprofessor, senior
Galyna Bryzgalovaresearch specialist
Robert Bränströmadjunct senior lecturer
Christian BuchliAffiliated to research
Andrew J BucklerAffiliated to research
Lynn Butlersenior research specialist
Gleb BychkovPhD student
Martina ByttnerPhD Student
Lisen Båverud OlssonPhD Student
Wenjie CaiPhD Student
Kenneth Caidahlprofessor, senior
Jan CalissendorffAffiliated to research
Pia CallmerPhD student
Ana Maria Cristina CaraselPhD Student
Emelie CarlestålAffiliated to research
Marcus Carlssonprofessor/senior physician
Stefan CarlssonAffiliated to research
Jonas CarlstenAffiliated to research
Jenny CastaingsPhD Student
Daniel Castellanos DolkPhD Student
Sergiu-Bogdan Catrinasenior lecturer/senior physician
Lucia Cavelier FrancoAffiliated to research
Daniel CekenPhD Student
Roza Chairetiadjunct senior lecturer
David ChangAffiliated to research
Anastasia Chatzidimitriousenior research specialist
Melody Chemalypostdoctoral researcher
Alexander Chibalinsenior research specialist
Amelia-Elena ChiorescuPhD Student
Michael Chrobokresearch specialist
Alice Costantiniresearch specialist
Riccardo CristianiPostdoctoral studies
Corinne CurryAffiliated to research
Tore CurstedtAffiliated to research
Filip Cvetkovskiresearch specialist
Sandrina CorreiaPhD student
Magnus Dalénprincipal researcher
Anna DamlinAffiliated to research
Elisabetta Daresenior research specialist
Alireza DaryapeymaAffiliated to research
Karl De GeerPhD Student
Louise de la MottePhD Student
Synn de WachterOther
Teresa Del Peso Santosresearch engineer
Angelica Delgado VegaPostdoctoral studies
Nicolas DestefanisAffiliated to research
Madeleine Dewerandresearch coordinator
Linda DeyPhD Student
Axel DimbergPhD Student
Michael Dismorrpostdoctoral researcher
Martina Domeijresearch nurse
Onyinyechi DuruPhD Student
Christina Edbergadministrator
Åsa Edsander-NordAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Monika EgenvallAffiliated to research
Jessica EhnePhD Student
Jesper EisfeldtAffiliated to research
Marlene EkPhD Student
Eva EkblomAffiliated to research
Tove Ekdahl HjelmPhD Student
Katja EkholmPhD Student
Elin EkmanAffiliated to research
Tomas EkströmProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Wilhelmina Ekströmadjunct lecturer
Andris ElksnisPostdoctoral studies
Emma EllforsPhD Student
Niklas Engsnerresearch engineer
Thomas EngstrandAffiliated to research
Björn EngströmAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Karin EngströmAffiliated to research
Martin EngvallAffiliated to research
Anders Enocsonadjunct professor
Annika Erikssonresearch specialist
Maria Erikssonadjunct professor
Sofia ErikssonPhD Student
Johan ErlandssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Ivan ErnuddPhD Student
Emmy ErskinePhD student
Peter EspinosaPhD Student
Ugo FalagarioAffiliated to research
Henrik FalhammarAffiliated to research
Anna FalkAffiliated to research
Alberto Falk DelgadoAffiliated to research
Maria FarmAffiliated to research
Lars-Ove FarneboProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Filip FarneboAffiliated to research
Milena Ferrer Mancevafinance officer
Sara Fletcher-SandersjööPhD Student
Johanna FlodinAffiliated to research
Csenge FogarasiPhD student
Susanne Forsbergeducational administrator
Lena ForsbergAffiliated to research
Magnus ForssbladAffiliated to research
Anders Franco-Cerecedaprofessor/senior physician
Siw Frebeliusresearch coordinator
Hanna FredholmAffiliated to research
Irma FredrikssonAffiliated to research
Sofie FredrikssonAffiliated to research
Arvendell, MarkusAffiliated to research
Susanne FridstenAffiliated to research
Mikaela Friedmanresearch coordinator
Jan FrisellProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Axel FrisellAffiliated to research
Sofia Friskpostdoctoral researcher
Robin FröbomAffiliated to research
Fredrika FröjdhPhD Student
Stina LennartsdotterPhD Student
Alexander Fyrdahlresearch infrastructure specialist
Kenneth FernqvistPhD student
Katarina Gellresearch engineer
Julia GieseckePhD Student
Marc GilbertAffiliated to research
Mika Gisslerprincipal researcher
Nicola GiudiciAffiliated to research
Natalie GlaserAffiliated to research
Manne GodhePhD Student
Magdalena GongoraPhD Student
Eivind GottliebAffiliated to research
Isak GranPhD Student
Charlotte GranPostdoctoral studies
Carl GranathAffiliated to research
Dan GranbergAffiliated to research
Malin Granbom KoskiPhD Student
Bianca GriffoOther
Giedre GrigelionieneAffiliated to research
Vitali GrozmanAffiliated to research
Oscar GrundbergPhD Student
Per GrybäckAffiliated to research
Jacob Grünlerresearch specialist
Pontus GustafssonPhD Student
Ulf GustafssonAffiliated to research
Annelie GustafssonAffiliated to research
Peter GustavssonAffiliated to research
Anna HagmanPhD Student
Zahra Haiderresearch specialist
Martin HalleAffiliated to research
Katarina Hallén GrufmanAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Nicola HallgrenAffiliated to research
Astrid HallmanAffiliated to research
Bertil HambergerProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Anna HammarsjöAffiliated to research
Sari HammoPhD Student
Amina Hamzatovaresearch assistant
Signe. SK HansenAffiliated to research
Magdalena Maria HansenAffiliated to research
Frida HanssonPhD Student
Per HanssonAffiliated to research
Anders Hansson ElliotAffiliated to research
Johan Hardvik ÅkerströmPhD Student
Fredric HedbergPhD Student
Ulf Hedinprofessor/senior physician
Christel HedmanAffiliated to research
Karin HedströmPhD Student
Hafdís HelgadóttirAffiliated to research
Lina HellmanPhD Student
Maritta Hellström PiggAffiliated to research
Gina Hendoresearch engineer
Karin HenningPhD Student
Olivia HenryPhD student
Christos HimonakosPhD Student
Torbjörn HolmAffiliated to research
Dag HolmbergPostdoctoral studies
David HolmgrenPhD Student
Eva HoremuzovaAffiliated to research
Arad HosseiniPhD Student
Abolfazl Hosseini AliabadAffiliated to research
Yongying HuangAffiliated to research
Rebecka Hultgrenadjunct professor
Anna-Lena HultingProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Eva Hurt-Camejoadjunct professor
Mårten HussPhD Student
Susanne Hylanderresearch nurse
Daniel Hägerstrandsenior research specialist
Charlotte HöybyeAffiliated to research
Catharina Ihre LundgrenAffiliated to research
Helena Ikonomidis SackeyAffiliated to research
Charlotta Ingvoldstad MalmgrenAffiliated to research
Henrik IversenAffiliated to research
Torbjörn IvertAffiliated to research
Erik IwarssonAffiliated to research
Veronica JacksonAffiliated to research
Masoud JadidiPhD Student
Eva KarlöfPostdoctoral studies
Per-Mats JanarvAffiliated to research
Pellina Jansonresearch coordinator
Kristina JanssonPhD Student
Catarina JanssonAffiliated to research
Gabriella Jansson Palmeradjunct senior lecturer
Jonas JennerAffiliated to research
Camilla JerningPhD Student
Karolina Jildenhedfinance officer
Hong Jinsenior research specialist
Xiuli JinAffiliated to research
Maria Johansson SollerAffiliated to research
Asif Joharstatistician
Sophie JohnssonPhD student
Maxence Jolletpostdoctoral researcher
Ellen JonsonPhD Student
Magnus JonssonAffiliated to research
Lennart JorfeldtAffiliated to research
Lisa Juntti-Berggrenprofessor, senior
Robin Assar JuthbergPhD Student
Cecilia JylhäAffiliated to research
Fredrik JäderlingAffiliated to research
Nina JänttiAffiliated to research
Jan-Erik KaarreIT supervisor
Paulina KalinowskaPhD Student
Anders KallnerAffiliated to research
Janica KallonenAffiliated to research
Wafa KamalPhD Student
Alexander KamaliPhD Student
Glykeria Karadimoupostdoctoral researcher
Stelios KarayiannidesAffiliated to research
Fredrik KarlssonAffiliated to research
Eva KarlssonAffiliated to research
Karolina Karlsson NybergerPhD Student
Mikael KastengrenPhD Student
Hans-Ulrich KauczorAffiliated to research
Joonas KauppilaAffiliated to research
Stefan KauppinenPhD Student
Camilla KetonenHR partner
Zainab Aqell KhanAffiliated to research
Niki Khatibi ShahidiAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Sorosh KhodabandehPhD Student
Ali KiasatAffiliated to research
Adrian KimiaeiPhD Student
Ida KindlundPhD Student
Therese Kindåkerhead of administration
Anna KistnerAffiliated to research
Arisa KitagishiPhD student
Magnus KjellmanAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Sintia KolbjerPhD Student
Anna KomanAffiliated to research
Malin Kronqvistbiomedical scientist
Aleksandra KrsticAffiliated to research
Schelto KruijffAffiliated to research
Olha KryninaAffiliated to research
Malin KvarnungAffiliated to research
Göran KällnerAffiliated to research
Anders KämpeAffiliated to research
Martin Köhlerresearch specialist
Carl KördelPhD Student
Jesper Lagergrenprofessor/senior physician
Pernilla Lagergrenprofessor
Jakob LagergrenAffiliated to research
Kristina LagerstedtAffiliated to research
Andreas SigfridssonAffiliated to research
Anna LantzAffiliated to research
Flemming LarsenAffiliated to research
Mark LarssonAffiliated to research
Martin LarssonAffiliated to research
Marta Lasonproject manager
Tobias LaurellAffiliated to research
Oscar LaurinPhD Student
Gilbert LauterAffiliated to research
Catharina Lavebrattprincipal researcher
Jelmer LegebekeAffiliated to research
Ingo Leibigersenior research specialist
Barbara Leibigersenior research specialist
Wilhelm LeijonmarckPhD student
Mariette Lengquistlaboratory manager
Dan Lennartssoncontroller
Nicole LeskoAffiliated to research
Agne LiedénAffiliated to research
Karin LindPhD Student
Chatrin Lindahladministrator
Malin LindbergPhD Student
Annika Lindblomprofessor, senior
Hillevi LindelöfPhD Student
Hannah LindénAffiliated to research
Kristina LinderAffiliated to research
Christina Linder StragliottoAffiliated to research
Helene LindforsPhD Student
Ulrik LindforssAffiliated to research
Katarina LindgrenPhD Student
Viktor LindgrenAffiliated to research
Anna Lindstrandadjunct professor
Riccardo LizzaniPhD student
Malin LjunggrenPhD Student
Olle LjungqvistProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Daniel LoewensteinPhD Student
Fredrik LohmanderAffiliated to research
Petra Loidpostdoctoral researcher
Chiara LongoOther
Ruixin LuPhD Student
Lissette Luan LeivaAffiliated to research
Ingrid LundahlPhD Student
Martin LundbergPhD student
Ellinor LundbergPhD student
Veroniqa LundbäckAffiliated to research
Kalle Conneryd LundgrenAffiliated to research
Anja Lundgren Mortensenassistant professor
August LundholmPhD Student
Natalie LundinAffiliated to research
Magnus LundinAffiliated to research
Johanna LundinAffiliated to research
Patrik LundströmPhD Student
Petra LundströmAffiliated to research
Jenny LöfgrenAffiliated to research
Marita Löfgren Harringelecturer
Zuheng Maresearch specialist
Maren MaanjaAffiliated to research
Kirstin Macgregorpostdoctoral researcher
Dania Machlabbioinformatician
Maria MagnussonAffiliated to research
Mattias MagnussonConsultant/Hired personnel
Aamir salah MahdiAffiliated to research
Behrang Mahjaniresearch specialist
Helena MalmgrenAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Lou Mandelman AlmskogPhD Student
Aleksandra Mandic HavelkaAffiliated to research
Larry Mansourisenior research specialist
Eva MaretAffiliated to research
Anna MarinkoAffiliated to research
David Marleviassistant professor
Lena Marie Marterproject coordinator
Anna Martlingprofessor/senior physician
Patrick MasabaPhD Student
Ljubica Maticprincipal researcher
Alphonsus MatovuPhD Student
Fredrik Mattssonstatistician
Carolina Maya GonzalezPhD student
Kristina MelkerssonAffiliated to research
Cecilia MerkPhD Student
Christina Mikkelsenadjunct lecturer
Antti MikkolaPhD Student
Vincent MillischerAffiliated to research
Mikolaj Mlynczaksystem developer
Nathalie MobarghaAffiliated to research
John MollstedtPhD student
Carl MontanAffiliated to research
Torbjörn Moreinlaboratory engineer
Noah Moruzziassistant professor
Mathias MosfeldtAffiliated to research
Ninni MuAffiliated to research
Kyle MudgePhD Student
Outimaija Mäkitieprincipal researcher
Kalle Mälbergresearch nurse
Axel MöllerAffiliated to research
Clément Naudinresearch specialist
Gunnar NemethOther
Eivind Ness-JensenAffiliated to research
Madeleine Nguyen HoangPhD Student
Jannike NickanderAffiliated to research
Sandra Nielsenresearch nurse
Joachim NilssonAffiliated to research
Daniel NilssonAffiliated to research
Olga NilssonAffiliated to research
Inga-Lena NilssonAffiliated to research
Per Nilssonadjunct senior lecturer
Ida Nilssonsenior research specialist
Gen NishimuraAffiliated to research
Stefan Nobelproject coordinator
Magnus Nordenskjöldprofessor, senior
Jörgen NordenströmProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Caroline Nordenvallsenior lecturer/assistant senior physician
Joakim NorderfeldtPhD Student
Ann Nordgrenadjunct professor
Ida NordgrenPhD Student
Elisabeth Noren-Krogbiomedical scientist
Natalie Joyce NormanAffiliated to research
Christina NorrbyAffiliated to research
Carolina NylénAffiliated to research
Emmy NyqvistPhD Student
Sven NyrénAffiliated to research
Blaz OderPhD student
Nuria Oliva Vilarnaupostdoctoral researcher
Henrik OlivecronaAffiliated to research
Christian Olssonprincipal researcher
Erik OnnerydAffiliated to research
Joaquin Ortiz de ZevallosPostdoctoral studies
Anna OskarssonPhD Student
Erik OstermanPostdoctoral studies
Lilian Pagrotinformation officer
Moa PalmHR partner
Emilia PalmérAffiliated to research
Anna PappasOther
Christoforos PappasPhD Student
Micael PedersénConsultant/Hired personnel
Lucia Pena PerezAffiliated to research
Logan PendergrastAffiliated to research
Petra PetersonAffiliated to research
Elinor Peterssonfinance officer
Maria Peterssonadjunct senior lecturer
Johan PetriniAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Maria PetterssonAffiliated to research
Sebastian PetterssonPhD Student
Lottie PhillipsAffiliated to research
Serena Gaetana Piticchiopostdoctoral researcher
Emeli PonténPhD Student
Katja PonzerPhD Student
Leily Rabbanibioinformatician
Cecilia RadkiewiczAffiliated to research
Neda Rajamand EkbergAffiliated to research
João RamosAffiliated to research
Johanna RantalaAffiliated to research
Petri RantanenAffiliated to research
Juhana RautiolaAffiliated to research
Anton RazuvaevAffiliated to research
Essam Refairesearch specialist
Lotta RenströmAffiliated to research
Boglarka RethyPhD Student
Christine ReusAffiliated to research
Fatemah RezayeePhD Student
Anette RickenlundAffiliated to research
Rosalba Ricoeducational administrator
Hans RingertzProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Dzan RizvanovicPhD Student
Pau Romeropostdoctoral researcher
Emma RosanderAffiliated to research
Hanna Rosénresearch nurse
Richard Rosenquist Brandellprofessor/senior physician
Joy RoyAffiliated to research
Riikka RydmanAffiliated to research
Samuel RöhlAffiliated to research
Annukka SaarensiltaPhD Student
Tönu SaartokAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Erik SachsAffiliated to research
Fredrik SahlanderPhD Student
Ellika SahlinAffiliated to research
Angelo Salazar ManteroAffiliated to research
Bodil SamuelssonAffiliated to research
Alejandro Sanchez-Crespoadjunct lecturer
Kerstin SandelinAffiliated to research
Alexander SandonAffiliated to research
Patricia SandqvistAffiliated to research
Giola Santonistatistician
Helena SarasteAffiliated to research
Eliane SardhAffiliated to research
Carl SarsPhD Student
Ulrik Sartipyadjunct professor
Mladen SavikjAffiliated to research
Martin Schallingprofessor
Hugo SchouwAffiliated to research
Simone ScuderiAffiliated to research
Felicia SeemannAffiliated to research
Josefin SegelmanAffiliated to research
Lars Selanderresearch specialist
Seraina DualAffiliated to research
Ivan ShaboAffiliated to research
Mehrnoosh ShahrivarPhD Student
Mansoureh ShahsavaniAffiliated to research
Shao-Nian Yangsenior research specialist
Yue Shiresearch specialist
August SigleAffiliated to research
Antti Siikapostdoctoral researcher
Helen SinabulyaAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Lars SivarsAffiliated to research
Anna SjöströmAffiliated to research
Annika SjövallAffiliated to research
Aron SkaftasonPhD Student
Anna Skarin NordenvallAffiliated to research
Viktor SkokicAffiliated to research
Mikael SkorpilAffiliated to research
Elin SkottAffiliated to research
Jakob SkovAffiliated to research
Karin SollanderAffiliated to research
Pehr SommarAffiliated to research
Nida SoutariAffiliated to research
Subhash SrivastavaPhD Student
Konstantinos Stamatopoulosprincipal researcher
Birgit StarkAffiliated to research
Elin Stavrén ErikssonPhD Student
Rebecka JohanssonPhD student
Malin Stenmanadjunct lecturer
Adam StenmanAffiliated to research
Heidi StensmyrenAffiliated to research
Stavros StergianosPhD Student
Eila SternerAffiliated to research
Miranda Stiernborgpostdoctoral researcher
Ben StocksAffiliated to research
Stefan StoisavljevicOther
Claes StrannegårdAffiliated to research
Yvonne Strömberglaboratory assistent
Anders StålmanAffiliated to research
Helena SundströmPhD Student
Chikako SuzukiAffiliated to research
Annika Svanström RöjvallAffiliated to research
Simon SvedmanPhD Student
Peter SvenarudAffiliated to research
Torgny SvenbergProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Kalle SvennerstenAffiliated to research
Melanie SvenssonPhD Student
Ann Mari SvenssonPhD Student
Ebba SwedenhammarPhD Student
Elisabeth Syk LundbergAffiliated to research
Maria SääfAffiliated to research
Lene SörensenAffiliated to research
Mareia TalvitieAffiliated to research
Apostolos TaxiarchisAffiliated to research
Fulya Taylanresearch specialist
Aditya TejaswiPhD student
Sofieke TemminkPhD student
Esmee Frederique Ten Berk de BoerPhD Student
Maaike ten HoorAffiliated to research
Bianca TesiAffiliated to research
Giorgio Tettamantisenior research specialist
Simon ThalénPostdoctoral studies
Emma ThamAffiliated to research
Zin Min Thet LwinPhD Student
Jane ThomsenOther
Håkan ThonbergAffiliated to research
David Thor ThorsteinssonPhD Student
Birna Thorvaldsdottirpostdoctoral researcher
Ove ThottPhD Student
Sofia ToftPhD Student
Anastasia TrouvaAffiliated to research
Philip Trösterresearch specialist
Panagiotis TsagkozisAffiliated to research
Panagiotis TsaklisAffiliated to research
Georgios TsatsarisPhD Student
Virpi Töhönenresearch specialist
Anders TörnblomPhD Student
Martin Ugandersenior research specialist
Simon Ulfsbäckerresearch engineer
Dmytro UnukovychAffiliated to research
Ismael Valladolid Acebesresearch specialist
Dimitri van Simaeysresearch specialist
Leonardo Vargas VallejoAffiliated to research
Marietta Vaseghifinance administrator
Daphne VassiliouAffiliated to research
Sakshi Vatspostdoctoral researcher
Litika VermaniPostdoctoral studies
Per Henrik VincentAffiliated to research
Montserrat Visa Majoralresearch specialist
Cristina VolpeAffiliated to research
Christoffer Von EssenAffiliated to research
Ulrika VossAffiliated to research
Sofija VuckovicPhD student
Filip VuleticPhD Student
Alexandra WachtmeisterPhD Student
Katarina WadénPhD Student
Carl Magnus Wahlgrenadjunct professor
John WahrenProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Göran WallinAffiliated to research
Zhenghao WangPhD Student
Fan Wangpostdoctoral researcher
Marcus WannbergPhD Student
Anna Wedellprofessor/senior physician
Rikard WedinAffiliated to research
Oliver Welin OdebackPhD student
Karin WestbergAffiliated to research
Eini WesteniusPhD Student
Thomas WesterbergConsultant/Hired personnel
Maria WestinAffiliated to research
Marie Wickman ChantereauAffiliated to research
Björn WieslanderAffiliated to research
N Peter Wiklundprofessor/senior physician
Anna-Klara WiklundPhD Student
Ann-Britt WikströmOther
Fredrik WikströmPhD Student
Charlotte WillforsPostdoctoral studies
Nerges WinbladAffiliated to research
Josephine WincentAffiliated to research
Julia WinterPhD Student
Kristian WintherPostdoctoral studies
Tobias WörnerAffiliated to research
Shaohua Xieprincipal researcher
Yan Xiongresearch specialist
Jingjing XuPhD Student
Cheng XuAffiliated to research
Lina Yuresearch assistant
Jimmy YuPhD Student
Helena Zander Ögrenadministrator
Jan Zedeniusprofessor, senior
Renata ZelicAffiliated to research
Linda ZetterlundAffiliated to research
Rolf ZetterströmAffiliated to research
Kaixuan Zhaopostdoctoral researcher
Lei Zhaoresearch assistant
Xiao-Wei Zhengsenior research specialist
Juleen Zierathprofessor
Christel Ågrenadministrator
Anna ÅgrenAffiliated to research
Tatjana Åkerblomadministrator
Anna-Karin ÅkermanPhD Student
Ingegerd ÖfverholmPostdoctoral studies
Claes-Göran ÖstensonProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Sara ÖsterPhD Student
Cecilia Österholm Corbasciosenior research specialist