Vascular Surgery


Postal address: K1 Molekylär medicin och kirurgi, K1 MMK Kärlkirurgi, 171 76 Stockholm


Mary Margaret AjikoAffiliated to research
Anton AxelssonPhD Student
Olof BladinPhD Student
Marko BogdanovicPhD Student
Andrew J BucklerAffiliated to research
Melody Chemalypostdoctoral researcher
Corinne CurryAffiliated to research
Alireza DaryapeymaAffiliated to research
David del Rio AledoAffiliated to research
Tove Ekdahl HjelmPhD Student
Siw Frebeliusresearch coordinator
Sari HammoPhD Student
Ulf Hedinprofessor/senior physician
Rebecka Hultgrenadjunct professor
Eva Hurt-Camejoadjunct professor
Mårten HussPhD Student
Eva KarlöfPostdoctoral studies
Hong Jinsenior research specialist
Magnus JonssonAffiliated to research
Glykeria Karadimoupostdoctoral researcher
Karolina Karlsson NybergerPhD Student
Niki Khatibi ShahidiAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Arisa KitagishiPhD student
Malin Kronqvistbiomedical scientist
Mariette Lengquistlaboratory manager
Malin LindbergPhD Student
Moritz Lindquist LiljeqvistAffiliated to research
Jenny LöfgrenAffiliated to research
Ljubica Maticprincipal researcher
Alphonsus MatovuPhD Student
Carl MontanAffiliated to research
Madeleine Nguyen HoangPhD Student
Olga NilssonAffiliated to research
Anton RazuvaevAffiliated to research
Joy RoyAffiliated to research
Samuel RöhlAffiliated to research
Antti Siikapostdoctoral researcher
Helen SinabulyaAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Stefan StoisavljevicOther
Mareia TalvitieAffiliated to research
Zin Min Thet LwinPhD Student
Ove ThottPhD Student
Sofija VuckovicPhD student
Katarina WadénPhD Student
Carl Magnus Wahlgrenadjunct professor
Marcus WannbergPhD Student