Sports Medicine


Postal address: K1 Molekylär medicin och kirurgi, K1 MMK Idrottsmedicin, 171 76 Stockholm


Eva AnderssonAffiliated to research
Björn BareniusAffiliated to research
Eva Bengtsson MoströmAffiliated to research
Daniel Castellanos DolkPhD Student
Riccardo CristianiPostdoctoral studies
Björn EngströmAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Magnus ForssbladAffiliated to research
Manne GodhePhD Student
Frida HanssonPhD Student
David HolmgrenPhD Student
Per-Mats JanarvAffiliated to research
Stefan KauppinenPhD Student
Zainab Aqell KhanAffiliated to research
Ida KindlundPhD Student
Firathan KocaPhD Student
Katarina LindgrenPhD Student
Marita Löfgren Harringelecturer
Aamir salah MahdiAffiliated to research
Anna MarinkoAffiliated to research
Christina Mikkelsenadjunct lecturer
Anna PappasOther
Ebrahim PiriAffiliated to research
Dzan RizvanovicPhD Student
Tönu SaartokAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Alexander SandonAffiliated to research
Anders StålmanAffiliated to research
Melanie SvenssonPhD Student
Christoffer Von EssenAffiliated to research
Filip VuleticPhD Student
Maria WestinAffiliated to research
Tobias WörnerAffiliated to research