Clinical Chemistry and Blood Coagulation


Postal address: K1 Molekylär medicin och kirurgi, K1 MMK Klin kemi & koagulation, 171 76 Stockholm


Jovan Antovicprofessor/senior physician
Magnus AxelsonAffiliated to research
Soheir BesharaAffiliated to research
Lynn Butlersenior research specialist
Roza Chairetiadjunct senior lecturer
Tore CurstedtAffiliated to research
Maria FarmAffiliated to research
Charlotte GranPostdoctoral studies
Anders KallnerAffiliated to research
Adrian KimiaeiPhD Student
Ingrid LundahlPhD Student
August LundholmPhD Student
Maria MagnussonAffiliated to research
Lou Mandelman AlmskogPhD Student
Aleksandra Mandic HavelkaAffiliated to research
Nida SoutariAffiliated to research
Apostolos TaxiarchisAffiliated to research
Anna ÅgrenAffiliated to research