Clinical Genetics


Postal address: K1 Molekylär medicin och kirurgi, K1 MMK Klinisk genetik, 171 76 Stockholm


Cecilia ArthurAffiliated to research
Gisela BarbanyAffiliated to research
Dominyka BatkovskyteAffiliated to research
Lucia Cavelier FrancoAffiliated to research
Anastasia Chatzidimitriousenior research specialist
Alice Costantiniresearch specialist
Teresa Del Peso Santosresearch engineer
Mikaela Friedmanresearch coordinator
Sofia FriskAffiliated to research
Giedre GrigelionieneAffiliated to research
Peter GustavssonAffiliated to research
Zahra HaiderAffiliated to research
Nicola HallgrenAffiliated to research
Magdalena Maria HansenAffiliated to research
Hafdís HelgadóttirAffiliated to research
Eva HoremuzovaAffiliated to research
Daniel Hägerstrandsenior research specialist
Maria Johansson SollerAffiliated to research
Cecilia JylhäAffiliated to research
Nina JänttiAffiliated to research
Aleksandra KrsticAffiliated to research
Olha KryninaAffiliated to research
Anders KämpeAffiliated to research
Gilbert LauterAffiliated to research
Jelmer LegebekeAffiliated to research
Annika Lindblomprofessor
Hillevi LindelöfPhD Student
Petra Loidpostdoctoral researcher
Dania Machlabbioinformatician
Larry Mansourisenior research specialist
John MollstedtPhD student
Outimaija Mäkitieprincipal researcher
Gen NishimuraAffiliated to research
Ida NordgrenPhD Student
Blaz OderPhD student
Christoforos PappasPhD Student
Serena Gaetana Piticchiopostdoctoral researcher
Leily Rabbanibioinformatician
Johanna RantalaAffiliated to research
Fatemah RezayeePhD Student
Richard Rosenquist Brandellprofessor/senior physician
Lars SivarsAffiliated to research
Aron SkaftasonPhD Student
Karin SollanderAffiliated to research
Konstantinos Stamatopoulosprincipal researcher
Elin Stavrén ErikssonPhD Student
Emma ThamAffiliated to research
Birna Thorvaldsdottirpostdoctoral researcher
Leonardo Vargas VallejoAffiliated to research
Sakshi Vatspostdoctoral researcher
Litika VermaniPostdoctoral studies
Ulrika VossAffiliated to research
Fan Wangpostdoctoral researcher
Lei Zhaoresearch assistant
Tatjana Åkerblomadministrator
Ingegerd ÖfverholmPostdoctoral studies
Cecilia Österholm Corbasciosenior research specialist