Clinical Genetics
Postal address: K1 Molekylär medicin och kirurgi, K1 MMK Klinisk genetik, 171 76 Stockholm
Cecilia Arthur | Affiliated to research |
Gisela Barbany | Affiliated to research |
Dominyka Batkovskyte | Affiliated to research |
Lucia Cavelier Franco | Affiliated to research |
Anastasia Chatzidimitriou | senior research specialist |
Alice Costantini | research specialist |
Teresa Del Peso Santos | research engineer |
Mikaela Friedman | research coordinator |
Sofia Frisk | postdoctoral researcher |
Giedre Grigelioniene | Affiliated to research |
Peter Gustavsson | Affiliated to research |
Zahra Haider | research specialist |
Nicola Hallgren | Affiliated to research |
Magdalena Maria Hansen | Affiliated to research |
Hafdís Helgadóttir | Affiliated to research |
Eva Horemuzova | Affiliated to research |
Daniel Hägerstrand | senior research specialist |
Maria Johansson Soller | Affiliated to research |
Cecilia Jylhä | Affiliated to research |
Nina Jäntti | Affiliated to research |
Aleksandra Krstic | Affiliated to research |
Olha Krynina | Affiliated to research |
Anders Kämpe | Affiliated to research |
Gilbert Lauter | Affiliated to research |
Jelmer Legebeke | Affiliated to research |
Annika Lindblom | professor, senior |
Hillevi Lindelöf | PhD Student |
Petra Loid | postdoctoral researcher |
Dania Machlab | bioinformatician |
Larry Mansouri | senior research specialist |
John Mollstedt | PhD student |
Ninni Mu | Affiliated to research |
Outimaija Mäkitie | principal researcher |
Gen Nishimura | Affiliated to research |
Ida Nordgren | PhD Student |
Blaz Oder | PhD student |
Christoforos Pappas | PhD Student |
Serena Gaetana Piticchio | postdoctoral researcher |
Leily Rabbani | bioinformatician |
Johanna Rantala | Affiliated to research |
Fatemah Rezayee | PhD Student |
Richard Rosenquist Brandell | professor/senior physician |
Lars Sivars | Affiliated to research |
Aron Skaftason | PhD Student |
Karin Sollander | Affiliated to research |
Konstantinos Stamatopoulos | principal researcher |
Elin Stavrén Eriksson | PhD Student |
Emma Tham | Affiliated to research |
Birna Thorvaldsdottir | postdoctoral researcher |
Leonardo Vargas Vallejo | Affiliated to research |
Sakshi Vats | postdoctoral researcher |
Litika Vermani | Postdoctoral studies |
Ulrika Voss | Affiliated to research |
Fan Wang | postdoctoral researcher |
Lei Zhao | research assistant |
Tatjana Åkerblom | administrator |
Ingegerd Öfverholm | Postdoctoral studies |
Cecilia Österholm Corbascio | senior research specialist |