Organisation: K2 Department of Medicine, Solna

Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 Kardio, 171 77 Stockholm



Athena AdeliPhD Student
Ava AzariAffiliated to research
Kristian Azir KozmanAffiliated to research
Ayman BakeerPhD Student
Otto Bergmanresearch specialist
Hanna Björcksenior research specialist
Simona ChiusoloAffiliated to research
Aida Collado Sánchezassistant professor
Francesco Cosentinoprofessor/senior physician
Mikael DellborgAffiliated to research
Per EldhagenPhD Student
Lina Bensonstatistician
Mikael ErhardssonPhD student
Per Erikssonprofessor, senior
David Ersgårdbiomedical scientist
Artur Fedorowskiadjunct professor
Kari FeldtPhD Student
Tiange FengAffiliated to research
Georgios FilisPhD student
Elena FortinPhD student
David FreiholtzPhD student
Fredrik GadlerAffiliated to research
Paolo Gatticlinical assistant
Bruna Gigantesenior lecturer/senior physician
Viveca GybergAffiliated to research
Camilla HageAffiliated to research
Ames Hakamadministrator
Anders HamstenProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Mai-Lis HelleniusProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Rawan HumoudPhD student
Annica Helena JartingAffiliated to research
Tong Jiaopostdoctoral researcher
Isabelle JohanssonAffiliated to research
Juliane JurgaAffiliated to research
Helena Karlssonresearch nurse
Eftychia KontidouPhD student
Oskar KövameesAffiliated to research
Laura LanducciPhD Student
Matthias LidinAffiliated to research
Andreas LiliequistPhD Student
Cecilia Lindeprofessor, senior
Karin LjungPostdoctoral studies
Ulrika Ljung-FaxénAffiliated to research
Klara LodinPhD student
Lars Lundprofessor/senior physician
Karin Långbiomedical scientist
Ida LöfmanAffiliated to research
Ulrika LöfströmPhD Student
Ali Jasem MahdiAffiliated to research
Kesavan ManickamPostdoctoral studies
Maria MannilaAffiliated to research
Aristomenis ManourasAffiliated to research
Linda MellbinAffiliated to research
Abraham MerzoPhD Student
Safi Moayad Al-AzzawyPhD student
Hanieh MohammadiAffiliated to research
Emil NajjarAffiliated to research
Anna Norhammaradjunct professor
Cristina Oliveira Da SilvaPhD Student
John Pernowprofessor/senior physician
Jenny PeterssonPhD Student
Gianluigi Pirontisenior research specialist
Qiao Sen ChenPhD Student
Elina RautioPhD Student
Ulrika ReistamPhD Student
Claudia Reyes Goyapostdoctoral researcher
Viveca RitsingerAffiliated to research
Andreas RückAffiliated to research
Lars RydénProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Maria Sabater LlealAffiliated to research
Nawsad SalehAffiliated to research
Julia Sanchez Ceinospostdoctoral researcher
Nondita SarkarAffiliated to research
Karin Schenck-GustafssonProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Camilla SettergrenPhD Student
Magnus SettergrenAffiliated to research
Bahira Shahimassistant professor
Angiza ShahimPhD Student
Moa SimonssonAffiliated to research
Rona J StrawbridgeAffiliated to research
Marcus StåhlbergAffiliated to research
Helena SundlingAffiliated to research
Eva Sundmanadjunct lecturer
Barna SzabóPhD Student
Peder SörenssonAffiliated to research
John TengbomAffiliated to research
Tonje ThorvaldsenAffiliated to research
Giovanni TortorellaPostdoctoral studies
Eva WallgrenAffiliated to research
Marita WallinAffiliated to research
Anne Wang GottliebAffiliated to research
Jiangning Yangsenior research specialist
Shi ZhangAffiliated to research
Zhichao Zhouprincipal researcher
Ayse-Gül ÖztürkPhD Student