Organisation: K2 Department of Medicine, Solna

Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 Derm o Ven, 171 77 Stockholm



Mikael AlsterholmAffiliated to research
Ester Bachar-Wikströmresearch specialist
Xiaowei BianPhD student
Victor Bloniecki KallioAffiliated to research
Hanna BraunerAffiliated to research
Yongjian ChenPhD Student
Kunal Das MahapatraAffiliated to research
Liv Eidsmoprofessor/senior physician
Jonathan EltonPhD student
Kilian EyerichAffiliated to research
Berenice FischerPostdoctoral studies
Jan Cedric FreisenhausenPhD student
Jennifer GearaPhD student
Maria Bradleyprofessor/senior physician
Morteza HassanpouramiriAffiliated to research
Elena HofferAffiliated to research
Matthew Huntpostdoctoral researcher
Borislav Ignatovresearch coordinator
Lina IvertAffiliated to research
Patrik IvertAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
William JebrilPhD Student
Emma Johanssonassistant professor
Pontus JonssonPhD Student
Maria KarlssonAffiliated to research
Åsa KrantzPhD Student
Maxine Poppy LancelotAffiliated to research
Amit Laskarresearch coordinator
Zhuang Liupostdoctoral researcher
Lena LundebergAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Lihua LuoPhD student
Longlong LuoAffiliated to research
Thi My Hanh LuongAffiliated to research
Josefin Lyselladjunct lecturer
Louise LönndahlAffiliated to research
Nicolas Mainopostdoctoral researcher
Daniela MereutaAffiliated to research
Julia NenonenPhD Student
Pernilla Nikamoresearch coordinator
Guanglin Niupostdoctoral researcher
Klas NordlindProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Lars NorlenAffiliated to research
Filippa NybergAffiliated to research
Onur Parlakassistant professor
Andor Pivarcsiprincipal researcher
Niki RadrosAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Vibhav Sapineniresearch assistant
Yunjia Songpostdoctoral researcher
Dawei SongAffiliated to research
Enikö Sonkolysenior lecturer
Daniel SortebechPhD student
Mona Ståhleprofessor, senior
Axel Svedbompostdoctoral researcher
Rebecca SzafranAffiliated to research
Isabel Tapia Paezsenior research specialist
Mahsa TayefiPhD Student
Begum Kubra TokyayAffiliated to research
Monica Barbara TorresPhD Student
Despoina TsakonaAffiliated to research
Maria VandikasAffiliated to research
Carl-Fredrik WahlgrenProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Sailan WangPhD student
Nuoqi WangPhD Student
Jakob Wikströmprincipal researcher
Arne WikströmAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Inga Wingelaboratory manager
Sihui XuPhD student
Ning Xu Landénsenior lecturer
Liu YangPhD student
Yuqing YangPostdoctoral studies
Wenning ZhengPostdoctoral studies
Ekaterina ZhuravlevaAffiliated to research
Alexander ZinkAffiliated to research