
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 Reuma Wahren-Herlenius M, 171 77 Stockholm


Albin BjörkAffiliated to research
Rui Da Silva RodriguesPhD Student
Alexander Espinosasenior research specialist
Marie FischerAffiliated to research
David FreiAffiliated to research
Christina Gerstnerresearch specialist
Malin HedlundAffiliated to research
Marika KvarnströmAffiliated to research
Margaret LiuAffiliated to research
Clàudia Margenat ArquéAffiliated to research
Gregoire Martin de FremontPhD Student
Johannes MoforsAffiliated to research
Tabassom Mohajershojaipostdoctoral researcher
Vijole Ottossonlaboratory manager
Anne Marie PedersenAffiliated to research
Nathalie PeloPhD student
Elina Richardsdotter AnderssonPhD student
André RudolphPhD Student
Lisa RudolphPhD student
Stina SalomonssonAffiliated to research
Yunbing Shenpostdoctoral researcher
Amanda Skog AndreassonAffiliated to research
Sven-Erik Sonessonsenior lab manager
Gudný Ella ThorlaciusAffiliated to research
Tilen Trselicclinical assistant
Viktoriia ValkovskaiaPhD student
Marie Wahren-Herleniusprofessor