Organisation: K7 Department of Oncology-Pathology

Postal address: K7 Onkologi-Patologi, K7 Övriga, 171 77 Stockholm



Oscar ArdenforsAffiliated to research
Mehdi AstarakiAffiliated to research
Gert AuerProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Mona AziziAffiliated to research
Angelo de MilitoAffiliated to research
Alice EddershawAffiliated to research
Stefan Einhornprofessor, senior
Pedro FonsecaPostdoctoral studies
Ada Girnitaresearcher
Irena GudowskaAffiliated to research
Johan HanssonProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Mona HolgerstrandConsultant/Hired personnel
Lars Holmgrenprofessor
Wille HägerAffiliated to research
Georg JaremkoAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Fredrik KalholmAffiliated to research
Angeliki KarambatsakidouAffiliated to research
Suryakant KaushikAffiliated to research
Sharok KimiaeiAffiliated to research
Marta LazzeroniAffiliated to research
Anders LideståhlAffiliated to research
Emely LindblomAffiliated to research
Stig LinderProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Iuliana Toma-DasuAffiliated to research
Elisabeth Åvall LundqvistAffiliated to research
Staffan LundströmAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Anna Malmerfeltresearch engineer
Aarren MannionAffiliated to research
Paula Mannströmcoordinator
Giuseppe MasucciAffiliated to research
Maurice Michelassistant professor
Inger NennesmoAffiliated to research
Tomas PalmqvistAffiliated to research
Ekaterina Pokrovskaja Tammproject coordinator
Ulrik RingborgAffiliated to research
Maria Teresa Romero-ExpositoAffiliated to research
Natalie RudolfovaAffiliated to research
Alejandro Sanchez-CrespoAffiliated to research
Filippo SchiavoPostdoctoral studies
Sten StemmeAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Daniel ThorPostdoctoral studies
Sven TörnbergAffiliated to research
Aleksandr VanchugovAffiliated to research
Anders ZetterbergAffiliated to research
Yuanyuan Zhangpostdoctoral researcher
Yumeng ZhangAffiliated to research
Honglei ZhaoAffiliated to research
Peter ZickertAffiliated to research
Jakob ÖdénAffiliated to research