
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF Kaldo, 171 77 Stockholm


Fehmi Ben AbdesslemAffiliated to research
Marie BendixAffiliated to research
Pontus BjurnerPhD Student
Kerstin BlomAffiliated to research
Maria CasselPhD Student
Erik ForsellPostdoctoral studies
Sandra FrööjdPhD Student
Lucia Gomez ZaragozaAffiliated to research
Vilgot HuhnPhD Student
Nils Hentati IsacssonPhD Student
Susanna Jernelövsenior lecturer
Viktor KaldoAffiliated to research
Nina-Marie Keisuresearch assistant
Dimitar KrastevAffiliated to research
Nathalie LybertPhD Student
Berkeh NasriAffiliated to research
Jenny Niemeyer HultstrandPostdoctoral studies
Johanna PalmPhD Student
Ann RosénPhD Student
Hanna Sahlinadjunct lecturer
Joel StenfalkPhD Student
Cecilia SvanborgAffiliated to research
Sandra TammAffiliated to research
Hugo WallénPostdoctoral studies
Kirsten ZantvoortAffiliated to research