Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF Varrone, 171 77 Stockholm
Martin Bolin | Affiliated to research |
Simon Cervenka | Affiliated to research |
Miguel Cortes Gonzalez | senior research infrastructure specialist |
Zsolt Cselényi | Affiliated to research |
Kenneth Dahl | Affiliated to research |
Prodip Datta | chemist |
Lars Farde | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Anton Forsberg Morén | researcher |
Tobias Funder | PhD Student |
Christina Grass Blom | project coordinator |
Lili Guan | Affiliated to research |
Balazs Gulyas | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Christer Halldin | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Antonia Högnäsbacka | chemist |
Peter Johnström | Affiliated to research |
Aurelija Jucaite | Affiliated to research |
Zhisheng Jia | chemist |
Patrik Mattsson | PhD Student |
Marina Monir | clinical assistant |
Olle Myrberg | Affiliated to research |
Sangram Nag | senior research specialist |
Minyoung Oh | Affiliated to research |
Magnus Schou | adjunct professor |
Vasco Sousa | senior research infrastructure specialist |
Per Stenkrona | research specialist |
Jonas Svensson | specialist |
Andrea Varrone | professor |
Afrizki Wiranegara | chemist |