Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF Jayaram/Hammarberg, 171 77 Stockholm
Anne Berman | lecturer |
Joachim Eckerström | lecturer |
Anders Hammarberg | adjunct lecturer |
Elin Holmén | Affiliated to research |
Karin Hyland | PhD Student |
Stina Ingesson | Affiliated to research |
Nitya Jayaram-Lindström | researcher |
Lotfi Khemiri | Affiliated to research |
Kristoffer Magnusson | Affiliated to research |
Olof Molander | Postdoctoral studies |
Yasmina Molero Samuelson | Affiliated to research |
Viktor Månsson | Affiliated to research |
Anders Nilsson | Postdoctoral studies |
Elisabeth Petersén | Affiliated to research |
Jonas Rafi | Affiliated to research |
Susanna Redegren | PhD Student |
Karin Romberg | PhD Student |
Jennie Sundbye | PhD Student |
Christopher Sundström | Affiliated to research |
Annika Tiger | PhD Student |
Sara Wallhed Finn | adjunct lecturer |