
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF Jayaram/Hammarberg, 171 77 Stockholm


Anne Bermanlecturer
Joachim Eckerströmlecturer
Anders Hammarbergadjunct lecturer
Elin HolménAffiliated to research
Karin HylandPhD Student
Stina IngessonAffiliated to research
Nitya Jayaram-Lindströmresearcher
Lotfi KhemiriAffiliated to research
Kristoffer MagnussonAffiliated to research
Olof MolanderPostdoctoral studies
Yasmina Molero SamuelsonAffiliated to research
Viktor MånssonAffiliated to research
Anders NilssonPostdoctoral studies
Elisabeth PetersénAffiliated to research
Jonas RafiAffiliated to research
Susanna RedegrenPhD Student
Karin RombergPhD Student
Jennie SundbyePhD Student
Christopher SundströmAffiliated to research
Annika TigerPhD Student
Sara Wallhed Finnadjunct lecturer