Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF Bjureberg, 171 77 Stockholm
Martin Bellander | postdoctoral researcher |
Johan Bjureberg | assistant professor |
Oskar Flygare | postdoctoral researcher |
Clara Hellner | adjunct professor |
Jennifer Hughes | Affiliated to research |
Moa Karemyr | Affiliated to research |
Samantha Khoo | teaching assistant |
Lars Klintwall | Affiliated to research |
Jannike Nilbrink | Affiliated to research |
Olivia Ojala | Postdoctoral studies |
Moa Pontén | Affiliated to research |
Julia Ragnarsdotter | teaching assistant |
Katja Sjöblom | PhD Student |
Martina Wolf-Arehult | Affiliated to research |