
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF KCP, 171 77 Stockholm



Josefin Ahlqvistadjunct lecturer
Sven Alfonssonadjunct lecturer
Katarina BackAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Maria Beckmanadjunct lecturer
Marianne Bonnertadjunct lecturer
Lina Collsiööadministrator
Maria Del Mar Herreroadjunct lecturer
Sophie Dixeliuslecturer
Maria Helanderadjunct lecturer
Maria Janssonadministrator
Markus Jansson-Fröjmarksenior lecturer
Pernilla Juthlecturer
Cornelia Larssonadjunct lecturer
Maria LeeAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Johanna LindePhD Student
Annika Lindgrenassistant senior lecturer
Helena Lindqvistlecturer
Nina Lindroosadministrator
Anna Lindströmadjunct lecturer
Linda LjunggrenAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Tobias Lundgrenadjunct lecturer
Sara NorringAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Mariana Raneva Ivanovaeducational administrator
Lotta Reuterskiöldassistant senior lecturer
Jenny RydellAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Hanna Sahlinadjunct lecturer
Fredrik Santoftadjunct lecturer
Shervin Shahnavazlecturer
Åsa Spännargårdadjunct lecturer
Isabelle SundinOther
Rikard Sunnhedadjunct lecturer
Sarah Thyléneducational administrator
Ebba WinaiAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Maria Åbonde Garkeadjunct lecturer