
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF Högström, 171 77 Stockholm


Hanna Björlin AvdicAffiliated to research
Susanne BuchmayerAffiliated to research
Torkel Carlssonadjunct lecturer
Felicitas FalckPhD Student
Louise FrisénAffiliated to research
Rebecca AnderssonPhD Student
John HasslingerPostdoctoral studies
Jens Högströmadjunct senior lecturer
Josefin IvarsonPhD Student
Anna Lundhadjunct lecturer
Johan Lundin KlebergAffiliated to research
Niklas LångströmAffiliated to research
Astrid MoellPhD Student
Vide Ohlsson GotbyPostdoctoral studies
Eva Serlachiusvisiting professor
Sarah Vigerlandadjunct lecturer
Li ÅslundAffiliated to research