Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 Psykologi Ljótsson, 171 77 Stockholm
Erik Andersson | assistant senior lecturer |
Erik Blennow Nordström | Affiliated to research |
Charlotte Gentili | Affiliated to research |
Amira Hentati | PhD Student |
Linda Holmström | Affiliated to research |
Elsa Håkansson | PhD Student |
Sanna Hällgren | Affiliated to research |
Robert Johansson | Affiliated to research |
Amanda Johnsson | PhD Student |
Mike Kemani | Affiliated to research |
Dorian Haggren Kern | Affiliated to research |
Klara Lauri | postdoctoral researcher |
Björn Liliequist | PhD Student |
Perjohan Lindfors | Affiliated to research |
Brjánn Ljótsson | professor/psychologist |
Anna Miley Åkerstedt | assistant senior lecturer |
Eva Ósk Ólafsdóttir | Affiliated to research |
Dan Wetterborg | lecturer |
Jenny Åström Reitan | Affiliated to research |