
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 Psykologi Ljótsson, 171 77 Stockholm



Erik Anderssonassistant senior lecturer
Erik Blennow NordströmAffiliated to research
Charlotte GentiliAffiliated to research
Amira HentatiPhD Student
Linda HolmströmAffiliated to research
Elsa HåkanssonPhD Student
Sanna HällgrenAffiliated to research
Robert JohanssonAffiliated to research
Amanda JohnssonPhD Student
Mike KemaniAffiliated to research
Dorian Haggren KernAffiliated to research
Klara Lauripostdoctoral researcher
Björn LiliequistPhD Student
Perjohan LindforsAffiliated to research
Brjánn Ljótssonprofessor/psychologist
Anna Miley Åkerstedtassistant senior lecturer
Eva Ósk ÓlafsdóttirAffiliated to research
Dan Wetterborglecturer
Jenny Åström ReitanAffiliated to research