Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 Neuro Granberg, 171 77 Stockholm
Oscar Andersson Forsman | PhD Student |
Åsa Bergendal | Affiliated to research |
Carmen Cananau | PhD Student |
Nima Chamyani | PhD student |
Bryan Connolly | PhD Student |
Elisabeth de Vries | PhD Student |
Johannes Finnsson | Affiliated to research |
Jessica Flores | PhD student |
Bianka Forgó | Affiliated to research |
Yngve Forslin | Affiliated to research |
Adithya Raju Ganeshan | research engineer |
Tobias Granberg | adjunct professor |
Caroline Hagbohm | PhD Student |
Farouk Hashim | Affiliated to research |
Stefanos Klironomos | Affiliated to research |
Maria Kristoffersen Wiberg | Affiliated to research |
Anna Laveskog | PhD Student |
Russell Ouellette | assistant professor |
Daniel Papp | Affiliated to research |
Donggyun Park | research assistant |
Sven Petersson | Affiliated to research |
Márk Rekecki | PhD student |
Sara Shams | Affiliated to research |
Mana Shams | Postdoctoral studies |
Henrik Sjöström | Affiliated to research |
Fredrik Ståhl | Affiliated to research |
Jennifer Ståhle | PhD Student |
Adrian Szum | PhD Student |
Matthias Weigel | Affiliated to research |
Charlotte Zejlon | PhD Student |
Claes Öhberg | PhD Student |