
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 Neuro Granberg, 171 77 Stockholm



Oscar Andersson ForsmanPhD Student
Åsa BergendalAffiliated to research
Carmen CananauPhD Student
Nima ChamyaniPhD student
Bryan ConnollyPhD Student
Elisabeth de VriesPhD Student
Johannes FinnssonAffiliated to research
Jessica FloresPhD student
Bianka ForgóAffiliated to research
Yngve ForslinAffiliated to research
Adithya Raju Ganeshanresearch engineer
Tobias Granbergadjunct professor
Caroline HagbohmPhD Student
Farouk HashimAffiliated to research
Stefanos KlironomosAffiliated to research
Maria Kristoffersen WibergAffiliated to research
Anna LaveskogPhD Student
Russell Ouelletteassistant professor
Daniel PappAffiliated to research
Donggyun Parkresearch assistant
Sven PeterssonAffiliated to research
Márk RekeckiPhD student
Sara ShamsAffiliated to research
Mana ShamsPostdoctoral studies
Henrik SjöströmAffiliated to research
Fredrik StåhlAffiliated to research
Jennifer StåhlePhD Student
Adrian SzumPhD Student
Matthias WeigelAffiliated to research
Charlotte ZejlonPhD Student
Claes ÖhbergPhD Student