
Postal address: K9 Institutionen för Global folkhälsa, K9 GPH Stålsby Lundborg, 171 77 Stockholm



Adewale AkinjejiPhD Student
Pavankumar AsalapuramAffiliated to research
Jonatan AttergrimPhD Student
Johanna BergPhD Student
Anja BerharicAffiliated to research
Jerin CherianAffiliated to research
Saibal DasPhD Student
Siddarth Daniels DavidAffiliated to research
Vishal DiwanAffiliated to research
Louise ElanderAffiliated to research
Jaran Eriksenassistant professor
Martin Gerdin Wärnbergprincipal researcher
Ioana GhigaAffiliated to research
Nada HannaAffiliated to research
Sven HoffnerAffiliated to research
Shweta KhareAffiliated to research
Yangchen LiuAffiliated to research
Fredrik LundhagAffiliated to research
Anna MachowskaAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Gaetano Marroneresearcher
Philip MathewPhD Student
Amrita MishraAffiliated to research
Joseph MitchellPhD Student
Ashish PathakAffiliated to research
Manju PurohitAffiliated to research
Emmanuel RobesynPhD Student
Rashmi Josephine RodriguesAffiliated to research
Nobhojit RoyAffiliated to research
Hager SalehPhD Student
Megha SharmaAffiliated to research
Bode Ireti ShobayoPhD Student
Kristina SkenderPhD Student
Cecilia Stålsby Lundborgprofessor
Ashok TamhankarAffiliated to research
Suraj Kumar TripathyAffiliated to research
Yuanyuan WangPhD Student
Ouyang WenweiPhD Student
Ding YangPhD Student