
Postal address: K9 Institutionen för Global folkhälsa, K9 GPH Burström, 171 77 Stockholm



Maissa Al-Adhamicoordinator
Madelene BarbozaAffiliated to research
Clara Bruneclinical assistant
Bo Burströmprofessor/senior physician
Emma CarlssonPhD Student
Megan Dohenypostdoctoral researcher
Alfred DriwalePhD Student
Diego FidoneAffiliated to research
Sara FritzellAffiliated to research
Martina Gustavssonpostdoctoral researcher
Bo HaglundAffiliated to research
Helen HedlundAffiliated to research
Amy HeshmatiPhD Student
Asha JamaPhD Student
Sol JuárezAffiliated to research
Asli Kulanesenior lecturer
Sharon Kühlmann BerenzonAffiliated to research
Ann Liljasassistant professor
Anneli MarttilaAffiliated to research
Arash Nematresearch specialist
Lotta NylénAffiliated to research
Nicola Orsiniprincipal researcher
Antonio Ponce de LeonAffiliated to research
Janne Agerholmassistant senior lecturer
Farzana RahmanPhD student
Jennifer Wenjing TaoAffiliated to research
Robert ThiesmeierPhD student