
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Omvårdnad Omv enhet 3, 171 77 Stockholm


Annika Alm-PfrunderAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Maria ArmanAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Lina Bergmanlecturer
Caroline Björklindlecturer
Gunilla BjörlingAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Lena Engqvist Bomanlecturer
Åsa Burströmassistant senior lecturer
Helen Contelecturer
Oili DahlAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Mia Dimiclecturer
Åsa Dorelllecturer
Jeanette Eckerbladassistant senior lecturer
Anette Forsssenior lecturer
Charlotte FörarsAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Linda Gellerstedtassistant senior lecturer
Carina Georglecturer
Petra Hyllienmarklecturer
Emma JurdellAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Maria Lampilecturer
Elisabeth Liljerothsenior lecturer
Veronica LindströmAffiliated to research
Janet MattssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
John-Åke Palmlecturer
Christina Sandlundassistant professor
Anna Slettmyrlecturer