
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Fysioterapi Franzen, 171 77 Stockholm


Franziska Albrechtassistant professor
Nadejda BaraznenokPhD student
Martina BendtAffiliated to research
Lucian Bezuidenhoutassistant professor
Nabiel Hermon Efremresearch assistant
Maria EkblomAffiliated to research
Erika Franzénprofessor/physical therapist
Malin FreidleAffiliated to research
Tobias Holmlundlecturer
Sophia Monica Humphriespostdoctoral researcher
Sverker Johanssonsenior lecturer/physcial therapist
Hanna Johanssonpostdoctoral researcher
Conran JosephAffiliated to research
Petra Koskiresearch assistant
Alexander KvistPhD student
Hanna LagerlundPhD student
Kristina LarssonAffiliated to research
Breiffni Leavyassistant senior lecturer
Patrick Manserpostdoctoral researcher
David Moulaee Conradssonsenior lecturer
Daniel PetersonAffiliated to research
Caitríona Quinnpostdoctoral researcher
Lisa SandbergPhD student
Jenny SedhedPhD student
Björn SundströmPhD student
Charlotte ThurstonPhD student
Andreas Wallinpostdoctoral researcher