
Postal address: H5 Laboratoriemedicin, H5 Klin immunologi Bergman, 141 52 Huddinge



Birgitta AgerberthProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Lisa BenrejdalPhD student
Lars Bräutigamsenior research infrastructure specialist
Jiahui ChengPostdoctoral studies
Gudmundur GudmundssonAffiliated to research
Julianna Kele Olovssonprincipal researcher
Hannes LindahlAffiliated to research
Helena LindgrenAffiliated to research
Annica Lindkvistassistant senior lecturer
Sidinh Lucresearcher
Rodrigo Moralesassistant professor
Anna-Carin NorlinAffiliated to research
Caroline StenlanderAffiliated to research
Rokeya Sultana Rekharesearch specialist
Sofie VonlanthenAffiliated to research
Emilie Wahren BorgströmAffiliated to research
Malin WinerdalAffiliated to research