H9 Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology


Postal address: H9 Klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik, 141 52 Huddinge



Farhad Abtahisenior research infrastructure specialist
Ganesh Acharyaprofessor/senior physician
Aziza AdemPhD Student
Jan AdolfssonAffiliated to research
Siri af BurénPhD Student
Josefina AgaOther
Rebecka AhlAffiliated to research
Christian AhlstedtPhD Student
Balpreet Singh AhluwaliaAffiliated to research
Gunilla AjneAffiliated to research
Tamara Al AniPhD Student
Mahasin Al ShakirchiAffiliated to research
Zlatan AlagicAffiliated to research
Bariq Al-AmiryAffiliated to research
Gabriella Alexandersson Von DöbelnAffiliated to research
Hanija Akbarilecturer
Babak AlinasabAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Pouran Almstedtsystem developer
Ehab Al-SodanyPhD Student
Signe AltmäeAffiliated to research
Ingrid AlvarezPhD Student
Anders AlvestrandAffiliated to research
Gustav AlvfeldtPhD Student
Ylva AmbrosianiPhD Student
Mariam AmouzandehPhD Student
Apostolos AnalatosAffiliated to research
Helena Anderssonresearch administrator
Mats AnderssonAffiliated to research
Erika Ankarbergresearch coordinator
Apostol Ganchev ApostolovAffiliated to research
William AproAffiliated to research
Julia ArebroAffiliated to research
Samsul Arefinresearch assistant
Monika Armuandadministrator
Sigurdur ÁrnasonPhD Student
Toni ArndtAffiliated to research
Urban ArneloAffiliated to research
Sara Arroyo Mührsenior research specialist
Artborg, AngelicaPhD Student
Filip AspAffiliated to research
Peter AspelinAffiliated to research
Ebba AsplundPhD Student
Zeeshan AteebAffiliated to research
Carla Avesanisenior research specialist
Claus BachertAffiliated to research
Elin Bacsovics BrolinAffiliated to research
Alice Baganha Sabatinoresearch specialist
Nicholas Baltzerresearch specialist
Laura Baque VidalAffiliated to research
Peter BaranyAffiliated to research
Rusana BarkAffiliated to research
Linda BarmanAffiliated to research
Erzsebet BarthaAffiliated to research
Ruth BaumgartnerPhD Student
Monica Beckius Hellgrenadministrator
Simone BendazzoliPhD Student
Mikael Bensonprincipal researcher
Linn Bergadministrator
Hans Bergvisiting professor
Ulla BergAffiliated to research
Mathilde BergamelliAffiliated to research
Erik BerglundAffiliated to research
Lukas BerglundPhD Student
Erik BergquistPhD Student
Helene Bergströmlecturer
Erika Bergström BörlinPhD Student
Matilda BerkellAffiliated to research
Klas Berling ErikssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Erik BerningerAffiliated to research
Ulrik BirgerssonAffiliated to research
Christian BitarPhD Student
Ida BjörkPhD Student
Håkan BjörneAffiliated to research
Mats Blennow BohlinOther
Simon BlixtPhD student
Rasmus BlomkvistPhD Student
Emil BluhmeAffiliated to research
Darko BogdanovicAffiliated to research
Kajsa BohlinAffiliated to research
Åsa BonnardAffiliated to research
Katharina BrehmerAffiliated to research
Eva BreznikAffiliated to research
Torkel Brismarprofessor/senior physician
Harald BrismarAffiliated to research
Markus BrissmanAffiliated to research
Nanna BrowaldhAffiliated to research
Annette Bruchfeldvisiting professor
Anna Katarina BrännbäckPhD Student
Sara BurgePhD Student
Nicola ByersAffiliated to research
Petra ByströmPhD Student
Emelie BäcklinPhD Student
Frederik BärPhD student
Pierre CampenfeldtAffiliated to research
Lars-Olaf Cardellprofessor/senior physician
Eduardo Cardenasresearch specialist
Axel CarlbringAffiliated to research
Thomas CasswallAffiliated to research
Markus CastegrenAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Åsa Catapanoadministrator
Valeria Cecchiniresearch assistant
Kerstin CederlundAffiliated to research
Martin CederlöfAffiliated to research
Anton CetinaPhD Student
Shivam Chandelpostdoctoral researcher
Anastasios CharalampidisAffiliated to research
Zhimin CHENAffiliated to research
Kaile ChenPhD student
Michelle Chewprofessor/senior physician
Milan ChromekAffiliated to research
Antonella CicirelliAffiliated to research
Lorena ClaeysPhD Student
Anna ClaréusPhD Student
Massimiliano Colarieti TostiAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Johan CreutzfeldtAffiliated to research
Johan CreutzfeldtAffiliated to research
Ylva Crona GuterstamAffiliated to research
Bashar DabbaghPhD Student
Anna DahlPhD Student
Malin Dahlby SkoogPhD student
Ursula DahlstrandAffiliated to research
Pauliina Damdimopoulousenior lecturer
Kristin Danielson PistisPhD Student
Gun DanielssonPhD Student
Pernilla Danielsson LiljeqvistAffiliated to research
Nima DastavizAffiliated to research
Maria Dastaviz-IshooAffiliated to research
Feven DawitPhD Student
Christina de la Rosaeducational administrator
Isabelle de MonestrolAffiliated to research
Spyridon Panagiotis DeligiannisAffiliated to research
Martin DelleAffiliated to research
Valentina di Nisiopostdoctoral researcher
Elias DiarbakerliAffiliated to research
Sandra Diaz RuizAffiliated to research
Joakim Dillnerprofessor/R&D manager
José Carolino Divino FilhoAffiliated to research
Jonathan Dorairajresearch assistant
Maoli DuanAffiliated to research
Monica Liana DuhanesAffiliated to research
Gabriel DumitrescuAffiliated to research
David EbbeviAffiliated to research
Maria EbbingeAffiliated to research
Thomas EbertAffiliated to research
Anders EhnhageAffiliated to research
Anna EkAffiliated to research
Anna Ekprincipal researcher
Sverker EkAffiliated to research
Åsa Ekbladresearch specialist
Jeannette Ekblom Hägerströmlecturer
Carina Eklundlaboratory coordinator
Martin EklöfAffiliated to research
Sandra Ekstedtresearch specialist
Linnéa Ekström EhnPhD Student
Peter ElbePhD Student
Kristina ElfgrenAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Miriam Elfströmresearch coordinator
Carl-Gustaf ElinderAffiliated to research
Alexandra ElliotAffiliated to research
Ewa EllisAffiliated to research
Anne ElwinPhD Student
Cecilia Engmér BerglinAffiliated to research
Monika EngsandOther
Jennie EngstrandAffiliated to research
Lars EnochssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Angeline Enton RajPhD student
Eda ErbilPhD student
Jessica EricsonAffiliated to research
Mats EricsonAffiliated to research
Bo Göran Ericzonprofessor, senior
Björn ErikssonPhD Student
Susanna ErikssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Mimmi Eriksson WestbladPhD Student
Helen ErlandssonAffiliated to research
Cecilia EscherAffiliated to research
Marie EvansAffiliated to research
Camille, Andrée, Lucie EVRARDPostdoctoral studies
Monika Ezerskyteresearch specialist
Ingela Fehrman-EkholmAffiliated to research
Adina Feldmanscientific coordinator
Li Felländer-Tsaiprofessor/senior physician
Shannon Felländer-Tsaistatistician
Carlos Fernandez-LlatasAffiliated to research
Aino Fianu JonassonAffiliated to research
Mikael FinderAffiliated to research
Arabella FischerPostdoctoral studies
Björn Fischleradjunct professor
Johan Flodintechnician
Sara FogelbergAffiliated to research
Francesca ForliAffiliated to research
Lisa ForsbergAffiliated to research
Therése Forsbergadministrator
Christina Forshell HederstiernaAffiliated to research
Yngve ForslinAffiliated to research
Åsa FowlerAffiliated to research
Cornelia Franssoneducational administrator
Ola Fridman-BengtssonPhD Student
Pia Froissart NerfeldtAffiliated to research
Åsa FröbergAffiliated to research
Stefan GabrielsonAffiliated to research
Caroline GahmAffiliated to research
Ainhoa Garcia SerranoPhD student
Elvia Garcia-LopezAffiliated to research
Helena Maria GenbergAffiliated to research
Begüm Gençer Öncül
Paul GerdhemAffiliated to research
Axel GerdtssonAffiliated to research
Marco Gerlingprincipal researcher
Natalie GeyerPostdoctoral studies
Mehran GhaderiAffiliated to research
Poya GhorbaniAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Sebastian GidlöfAffiliated to research
Stefan GilgAffiliated to research
Evelina GillePhD Student
Henrik GjertsenAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Annika GoosAffiliated to research
Alexandra GrahnAffiliated to research
Anna GranathAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Svante Granqvistsenior lecturer
Penelope GrayPostdoctoral studies
Katarina GreveAffiliated to research
Aristeidis GrigoriadisAffiliated to research
Jonathan GripAffiliated to research
Olivia GripAffiliated to research
Susanne GripenbergPhD Student
Truls GråbergPhD Student
Olof GrönlundPhD Student
Elin Kristina Gullberg BohlinOther
Britt GustafssonAffiliated to research
Ove GustafssonAffiliated to research
Linus Gustafssonlecturer
Beate GündelPhD student
Cecilia Götherströmprincipal researcher
Emilie HagbergPhD Student
Monica Hagbokadministrator
Annica Hagerman Sireliuslecturer
Emilia Hagmanprincipal researcher
Ulrika Hahn LundströmAffiliated to research
Asif HalimiPhD Student
Elisabeth HallénPhD Student
Helena Hallencreutz GrapePhD Student
Greta HallergårdAffiliated to research
Anna Eva Hallinassistant professor
Stefan HammaPhD Student
Britta HammarbergProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Folke HammarqvistAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Lalle Hammarstedt NordenvallAffiliated to research
Robin HanssonPhD Student
Sadaf Sakina Hassanbiomedical scientist
Jasmin HassanAffiliated to research
Håkon HaugaaAffiliated to research
Cecilia HePhD Student
Christina HebertAffiliated to research
Barbro Hedin SkogmanAffiliated to research
Leif HedmanAffiliated to research
Margareta Hedströmadjunct professor
Siri HeijbelPhD Student
Olof HeimburgerAffiliated to research
Johan HellebergPhD Student
Laila HellkvistPostdoctoral studies
Sten Hellströmprofessor, senior
Lars Gösta HellströmAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Anna Hellströmadministrator
Peter HemmingssonPhD Student
Ewa HenckelAffiliated to research
Lars Henningsohnsenior lecturer/senior physician
Lena UgglaAffiliated to research
Lotta Herlingassistant professor
Maria HermannAffiliated to research
Leah Hernandez-MunozPhD student
Stellan HertegårdAffiliated to research
Maria HertheliusAffiliated to research
Rainer Heuchelprincipal researcher
Karl Hildebrandadjunct lecturer
Helena HildenwallAffiliated to research
Eric Hjalmarssonresearch specialist
Hans HjelmqvistAffiliated to research
Lena HjelteProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Hanna HobellAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Manne HolmAffiliated to research
Marcus HolmbergAffiliated to research
Anders HolménPhD Student
Mats HolmströmAffiliated to research
Maria HolstenssonAffiliated to research
Jonas HolteniusPhD Student
Marianna HrebenyukAffiliated to research
Biying HuangPhD Student
Kristoffer Solaclinical assistant
Håkan HultAffiliated to research
Sofia Hultman DennisonAffiliated to research
Cecilia Hultqvisteducational administrator
Helena Hybbinetteadjunct lecturer
Lars-Christer HydènAffiliated to research
Marianne Petrobiomedical scientist
Gustaf HåkanssonPhD Student
Jenny HäggströmAffiliated to research
Pille Ann Härmathead of administration
Eduardo Illueca Fernandezpostdoctoral researcher
Elias Ingebrandpostdoctoral researcher
Karen IngelboAffiliated to research
Emma Irvingadministrator
Emma IsbergPhD Student
Maryam JafariPhD student
Towe Jakobssonlaboratory manager
Birgitta Janerot SjöbergProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Hannes JanssonAffiliated to research
Marcus JanssonPhD Student
Helene JohanssonAffiliated to research
Kerstin Johanssonassistant senior lecturer
Anette Johanssonadministrator
Marlin JohanssonAffiliated to research
Gabriel JohanssonAffiliated to research
Jonas Johnsonresearch engineer
Eduard JonasAffiliated to research
Asta JonasdottirAffiliated to research
Olof JonmarkerPhD Student
Tomas JonssonAffiliated to research
Cathrine JonssonAffiliated to research
Karin JonstamAffiliated to research
Carl JornsAffiliated to research
Hanna JosefssonPhD Student
Arwa JosefssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Jan-Erik JutoAffiliated to research
Evelina JörtsöPhD Student
Mina KaderAffiliated to research
Georgios KalarakisAffiliated to research
Kerstin KalliokuljuAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Sigridur KalmanAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Ahmad KaradagiAffiliated to research
Amar KaralliAffiliated to research
Sofia KarlssonPhD Student
Eva KarltorpAffiliated to research
Ferenc KarpatiAffiliated to research
Niki KarpetaPhD Student
Nikolaos KartalisAffiliated to research
Arasp KeighobadAffiliated to research
Anna-Lena KellerPostdoctoral studies
Victoria KerosAffiliated to research
Savas KesenPhD Student
Inger KeussenAffiliated to research
Gandom KharraziPhD Student
Kristina KiisholtsAffiliated to research
Anders KjellmanAffiliated to research
Maria KlaudeAffiliated to research
Fredrik KlevebroAffiliated to research
Michail KlontzasAffiliated to research
Sari Kokkonen NassefPhD Student
Aeneas KolevPhD Student
Emmanouil KoltsakisPhD Student
Magnus KonradssonPhD Student
Seppo KoskinenAffiliated to research
Paraskevi KosmaPhD Student
Aleksandra KowalikAffiliated to research
Karolina Kublickieneprincipal researcher
Linus Kullänger SchallingAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Makiko Kumagai-BraeschAffiliated to research
Susanna Kumlien Georénsenior research infrastructure specialist
Maritha Jenny KumlinAffiliated to research
Åsa KågedalAffiliated to research
Joakim Gustafssonassistant professor
Vilma LagebroPhD student
Tobias LagerbäckAffiliated to research
Camilla Laghedenbiomedical scientist
David LandinAffiliated to research
Fredrik Lannerprincipal researcher
Lovisa LansingPhD Student
Juulia Lanttopostdoctoral researcher
Oscar LapidusPhD Student
Jörgen LarssonProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Mirjam LarssonPhD Student
Patrik LarssonPhD Student
Lise-Lott LarssonPhD Student
Tobias LarssonAffiliated to research
Andra LazarPhD Student
Toan Lehead of finances
Matti LehtinenAffiliated to research
Jiayao Leiassistant professor
Anna LevinAffiliated to research
Pauline LevinsonAffiliated to research
Tie-Qiang LiAffiliated to research
Yan LiAffiliated to research
Xiejia LiAffiliated to research
Xinxiu Liresearch specialist
Felix LiebauAffiliated to research
Marion Liebermanlecturer
Ulrika LiliemarkPhD Student
Maria LiljeforsAffiliated to research
Emma Liljegreneducation officer
Louise Lindbergresearch specialist
Mats Lindbladadjunct professor
Synnöve LindemalmAffiliated to research
Cecilia LindemalmPhD Student
Stefan LinderAffiliated to research
Urban LindgrenProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Bengt Lindholmsenior research specialist
Henric LindkvistPhD Student
Sandra LindstedtAffiliated to research
Katarina LindströmAffiliated to research
Rebecca LindströmAffiliated to research
Agnes LinnérPostdoctoral studies
Lisa LiuAffiliated to research
Xinchen LiuAffiliated to research
Lina LjungholmPhD Student
Mathias Loberg HaarhausAffiliated to research
Anette LohmanderProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Louiza LoizouAffiliated to research
Arne LundbergAffiliated to research
Lars LundellAffiliated to research
Torbjörn LundgrenAffiliated to research
Per-Olof LundgrenAffiliated to research
Marie LygdmanOther
Jing Lyupostdoctoral researcher
Ulrika LöfkvistAffiliated to research
Matthias Löhrprofessor/senior physician
Allison Mackeypostdoctoral researcher
Maria MagnussonAffiliated to research
Ali Reza Majlesisenior lecturer
Silvia MalenickaPhD Student
Linnéa MalgerudPhD Student
Ann MalmenholtAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Emma MalmströmPhD Student
Henrik MaltzmanPhD Student
Tanja ManserAffiliated to research
Alejandro MarcanoPhD Student
Claude Marcusprofessor, senior
Gregori MargolinAffiliated to research
Sara Marin JuanPhD Student
Linda MarklundAffiliated to research
Elin MarskAffiliated to research
Anita McAllisterAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Loren Méarpostdoctoral researcher
Mahta MemarAffiliated to research
Roxana Merino Martinezproject manager
Celia Mesias CasaresPhD student
Lisbet MeurlingAffiliated to research
Nina MileradPhD Student
Mirushe Mjekiqi IstrefajAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Anahita MobarghaPhD Student
Shahla Mobini KeshehPhD Student
Agnes Modée BorgströmPhD Student
Kenji MomoAffiliated to research
Maiko MoriAffiliated to research
Fatima Moumèn DenantoPhD Student
Elisabeth Moussaudsenior lab manager
Tomas MovinAffiliated to research
Dhananjay MukhedkarPhD Student
Eva Munck-WiklandAffiliated to research
Antti Mäkitieresearcher
Elisabeth NagyPhD Student
Lars NaverAffiliated to research
Sahar Nikkhou AskiAffiliated to research
Vera NilsénPhD Student
Magnus Nilssonprofessor/senior physician
Klara NilssonAffiliated to research
Ted NilssonPhD Student
Åke NorbergAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Viveka NordbergAffiliated to research
Johan NordenadlerAffiliated to research
Louise NordforsAffiliated to research
Karin NordinAffiliated to research
Sara Nordqvist Kleppedatabase coordinator
Johan NordströmAffiliated to research
Ann-Charlott Nordströmadministrator
Nora NorénPhD Student
Mikael Normanprofessor/senior physician
Greg Nowakadjunct professor
Alexandra NowakPhD Student
Paulina NowickaAffiliated to research
Marek NowickiAffiliated to research
Patrik NowikAffiliated to research
Per NydertAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Ulrika Nygrenadjunct lecturer
Lina NygrenAffiliated to research
Anna Nymanadjunct lecturer
Marcus NömmPhD Student
Suzanne Odeberg-WernermanAffiliated to research
Rebecka OhmPhD Student
Åsa OkhiriaAffiliated to research
Frida OldendorffPhD Student
Stig OllmarAffiliated to research
Magnus Olssonlecturer
Petter OlssonAffiliated to research
Frida Olssonadministrative officer
Artur OmarAffiliated to research
Gabriel Oniscuprofessor
Timo OosterveldPhD Student
Mònica Ortega Llobetstatistician
Alexander OxblomAffiliated to research
Björn PalmgrenAffiliated to research
Charlotte Palmqvistlecturer
Eleftheria Maria PanagiotouPhD student
Vasiliki Pantazopouloupostdoctoral researcher
Ann-Sofie PaulanderAffiliated to research
Eirini PaziouPhD Student
Maria PekkariAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Johan PermertProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Nina PerrinPostdoctoral studies
Anna PerssonAffiliated to research
Mats PerssonAffiliated to research
Jan PerssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Anders PerssonAffiliated to research
Sophie Petropoulosprincipal researcher
Karin PetterssonAffiliated to research
Kristina PetterssonAffiliated to research
Krzysztof PiersialaPhD Student
Ville PimenoffAffiliated to research
Terezia PincikovaAffiliated to research
Estelle PittiPhD Student
Gavin PoludniowskiAffiliated to research
Agnieszka PopowiczAffiliated to research
Raffaella Pozzi MucelliAffiliated to research
Lotta Pramanik-JonssonAffiliated to research
Afrodite Psaros EinbergAffiliated to research
Douglas Puricelli PerinAffiliated to research
Zainabou PäivärintaHR manager
Raphaële QuatreAffiliated to research
Abdul Rashid Qureshiresearcher
Jari RadrosAffiliated to research
Pétur RafnssonAffiliated to research
Samin RahbinPhD Student
Nicoletta Raicadministrator
Pawel RasinskiPhD Student
Miguel-Angel RedondoAffiliated to research
Awahan RehemanAffiliated to research
Aleksi ReitoAffiliated to research
Lotta RenströmAffiliated to research
Srecko RijetkovicAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Olle RingdénAffiliated to research
Jonaz RipswedenAffiliated to research
Sanjiv Risalresearch specialist
Nina Ristieducational administrator
Katarina Robertsson GrossmannAffiliated to research
Christer RolfAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Antonio RomanoAffiliated to research
Stefhanie RomeroAffiliated to research
Ilmatar Roodaassistant professor
Olav Rooijackersprofessor
Emilia RotsteinAffiliated to research
Ioannis RouvelasAffiliated to research
Rebecka Rubenson WahlinAffiliated to research
Johanna RubinAffiliated to research
Eva Christina RuddAffiliated to research
Ulla Rudsanderproject manager
Mini Maria Ruiz Narbonaassistant senior lecturer
Stefan RunePhD Student
Wiktor RutkowskiPhD Student
Dawid RutkowskiPhD student
Felicia Rydeberg KjaernetPhD Student
Helena RydellAffiliated to research
Behnam Sadeghiprincipal researcher
Omid Sadr-AzodiAffiliated to research
Sarah SaietzPhD student
Jawad SakhiAffiliated to research
Gabriel SalibaPhD Student
Caroline SalménOther
Andres Salumetsprofessor
Johanna Samola WinnbergPhD Student
Ineke Samsonadjunct lecturer
Christina Samuelssonprofessor/speech and language pathologist
Carl SamuelssonPhD Student
Fredrik SandPhD Student
Annica Sandberglecturer
Ellika SchallingAffiliated to research
Angelina Schwarzresearch specialist
Mathilda SchöflHR partner
Astrid SeebergerAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Ralf SegersvärdAffiliated to research
Dag SeldénPhD Student
Daniel SelinPhD Student
Nina SellbergAffiliated to research
Mikael SennerholmAffiliated to research
Fernando Seoane Martinezsenior lecturer/biomedical engineer
Elnaz SepehriPhD Student
Jianhong ShiAffiliated to research
Malin SiegbahnAffiliated to research
Aliide SjögrenAffiliated to research
Åsa Skjönsbergsenior lecturer/audiologist
Eva Skog NejmanAffiliated to research
Ulrika SkogelandPhD Student
Carl SkröderPhD Student
Henrik SmedsOther
Martin SmelikPhD student
Linn SmithAffiliated to research
Jessica SmolanderPhD Student
Michael SnyderAffiliated to research
Sandra Soeria-AtmadjaAffiliated to research
Alberto Sola LeyvaPostdoctoral studies
Alf SolleviAffiliated to research
Ernesto SparrelidAffiliated to research
Joanna Stachowska-PietkaAffiliated to research
Mikolaj StachurskiPhD Student
Magnus Fredrik StarkhammarAffiliated to research
Maria StefopoulouAffiliated to research
Peter Stenvinkelprofessor/senior physician
Irene Sterpupostdoctoral researcher
Hanna SteurerPhD Student
Madeleine StigarAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Pär StjärneAffiliated to research
Birgitta StrandvikAffiliated to research
Cecilia StrömbergPostdoctoral studies
Sofia Strömbergssonsenior lecturer/speech and language pathologist
Lisa StrömmerAffiliated to research
Christian SturessonAffiliated to research
Mohamed SulimanAffiliated to research
Berit SundeAffiliated to research
Anna SundelinAffiliated to research
Anton SundeliusAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Mikael SundinAffiliated to research
Joar SundmanAffiliated to research
Karin Sundströmprincipal researcher
Martin Sundström RehalAffiliated to research
Richard SvalstedtAffiliated to research
Jenny SvedenkransAffiliated to research
Ulrika Svedenåsadministrator
Pernilla SveforsAffiliated to research
Clara Svenberg LindPhD Student
Anders SvenssonAffiliated to research
Annika Sääf-RothoffAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Magnus SöderbergAffiliated to research
Sara SöderqvistPhD student
Maria SöderstenAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Kjetil SøreideAffiliated to research
Sofie TanoAffiliated to research
Nicolas Tardifresearcher
Ilari TarvainenAffiliated to research
Parvin Tavakol Olofssonlecturer
Zheer TawfiquePhD Student
Jonas TengAffiliated to research
Heikki TeriöAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Raquel ThemudoAffiliated to research
Panagiotis TufexisAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
TomasThielAffiliated to research
Franziska ThimmPhD Student
Anna ThorPhD Student
Anna-Stina Thorssell Ahlmlecturer
Helena Thulinassistant senior lecturer
John ThörlingPhD Student
Bo TideholmAffiliated to research
Gunilla TillingerOther
Hans-Göran TiseliusProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Rebecca TitternesPhD Student
Karin TollAffiliated to research
Tatjana TomanovicAffiliated to research
Christos TopalisPhD Student
Frida TornbergAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Alvaro Torres UrzuaAffiliated to research
Ylva Tranaeus LindbladAffiliated to research
Dario TroiseAffiliated to research
Andrianos TsekrekosAffiliated to research
Panagiotis TsiartasAffiliated to research
Satu Turunen-Taherilecturer
Antonios TzortzakakisAffiliated to research
Inger UhlénAffiliated to research
Johan UngerstedtAffiliated to research
David Unnersjö-JessAffiliated to research
Agustin Urebioinformatician
Shomi Carmen UtterströmAffiliated to research
Agneta UusijärviAffiliated to research
Francois UwinkindiAffiliated to research
Carlos VallsAffiliated to research
Evert-Ben van VeenAffiliated to research
Pernilla Videhult Pierrelecturer
Mathias VidgrenAffiliated to research
Annika ViljamaaPhD student
Mathias von BeckerathAffiliated to research
Jeremy WalesAffiliated to research
Lilian Walther Jallowresearch coordinator
Qiaoli Wangpostdoctoral researcher
Qiang WangPostdoctoral studies
Jiangrong Wangsenior research specialist
Hui WangAffiliated to research
Jacek WaniewskiAffiliated to research
Lydia Wehrlipostdoctoral researcher
Frida WelanderAffiliated to research
Malin WendtAffiliated to research
Lars WennbergAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Anders WennerbergAffiliated to research
Jan WernermanAffiliated to research
Emelie WestergrenPhD Student
Magnus WestgrenAffiliated to research
Linn Christina WestinPhD Student
Anton WestmanAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Maria WeurlanderAffiliated to research
Essi HeinonenAffiliated to research
Shiroma Wickramarachchifinance officer
Katarina WideAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Axel WihlborgAffiliated to research
Julia WijkströmAffiliated to research
Marjo Wijnen-MeijerAffiliated to research
Henryk WilczekAffiliated to research
Michael WilczekAffiliated to research
Ray WilkinsonAffiliated to research
Karin WindahlAffiliated to research
Jacek WiniarskiAffiliated to research
Greg WinskiAffiliated to research
Anna Witaspresearcher
Jenny WrackefeldtPhD student
Per WretenbergAffiliated to research
Hannes WållgrenPhD Student
Lei Xuresearch specialist
Qiang YaoAffiliated to research
Ming YaoAffiliated to research
Qingyun YaoAffiliated to research
Emel YilmazPhD Student
Emine Yilmazlaboratory coordinator
Yousuf ZakkoPhD Student
Masoud Zamani EstekiAffiliated to research
Aikaterini ZamprakouAffiliated to research
Maria ZettermanAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Qianying ZhangAffiliated to research
Cheng Zhaoresearch specialist
Yelin Zhaopostdoctoral researcher
Galyna ZinkoPhD Student
Karin ÅbergPhD Student
Nils ÅgrenPhD Student
Eva ÅkermanAffiliated to research
Kajsa Åsling MonemiAffiliated to research
Christofer ÄngPhD Student
Ann Ödlund OlinAffiliated to research
Per Östbergprofessor/speech and language pathologist
Joakim ÖstermanPhD Student