H9 Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology


Postal address: H9 Klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik, 171 77 Stockholm



Farhad Abtahi assistant professor
Ganesh Acharya professor/senior physician
Aziza Adem PhD Student
Jan Adolfsson Affiliated to research
Siri af Burén PhD Student
Josefina Aga Other
Rebecka Ahl Affiliated to research
Christian Ahlstedt PhD Student
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia Affiliated to research
Gunilla Ajne Affiliated to research
Tamara Al Ani PhD Student
Mahasin Al Shakirchi Affiliated to research
Zlatan Alagic PhD Student
Bariq Al-Amiry Affiliated to research
Gabriella Alexandersson Von Döbeln Affiliated to research
Hanija Akbari lecturer
Babak Alinasab Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Ehab Al-Sodany PhD Student
Signe Altmäe Affiliated to research
Ingrid Alvarez PhD Student
Anders Alvestrand Affiliated to research
Gustav Alvfeldt PhD Student
Ylva Ambrosiani PhD Student
Mariam Amouzandeh PhD Student
Apostolos Analatos Affiliated to research
Helena Andersson research administrator
Mats Andersson Affiliated to research
Erika Ankarberg research coordinator
Apostol Ganchev Apostolov Affiliated to research
William Apro Affiliated to research
Julia Arebro Affiliated to research
Samsul Arefin research assistant
Sigurdur Árnason PhD Student
Toni Arndt Affiliated to research
Urban Arnelo Affiliated to research
Sara Arroyo Mühr research coordinator
Artborg, Angelica PhD Student
Filip Asp Affiliated to research
Peter Aspelin Affiliated to research
Ebba Asplund PhD Student
Zeeshan Ateeb Affiliated to research
Carla Avesani senior research specialist
Claus Bachert Affiliated to research
Elin Bacsovics Brolin Affiliated to research
Alice Baganha Sabatino Affiliated to research
Nicholas Baltzer research specialist
Laura Baque Vidal research assistant
Peter Barany Affiliated to research
Rusana Bark Affiliated to research
Linda Barman Affiliated to research
Erzsebet Bartha Affiliated to research
Ruth Baumgartner PhD Student
Monica Beckius Hellgren administrator
Simone Bendazzoli PhD Student
Mikael Benson principal researcher
Linn Berg administrator
Hans Berg visiting professor
Ulla Berg Affiliated to research
Erik Berg Ahlbäck Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Mathilde Bergamelli Postdoctoral studies
Erik Berglund Affiliated to research
Lukas Berglund PhD Student
Erik Bergquist PhD Student
Helene Bergström lecturer
Ingrid Bergström Affiliated to research
Erika Bergström Börlin PhD Student
Matilda Berkell Affiliated to research
Klas Berling Eriksson Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Erik Berninger Affiliated to research
Ulrik Birgersson Affiliated to research
Christian Bitar PhD Student
Ida Björk PhD Student
Richelle Duque Björvang Affiliated to research
Mats Blennow Bohlin Other
Simon Blixt PhD student
Rasmus Blomkvist PhD Student
Emil Bluhme PhD Student
Darko Bogdanovic Affiliated to research
Kajsa Bohlin Affiliated to research
Åsa Bonnard Affiliated to research
Katharina Brehmer Affiliated to research
Eva Breznik Affiliated to research
Torkel Brismar professor/senior physician
Harald Brismar Affiliated to research
Markus Brissman Affiliated to research
Nanna Browaldh Affiliated to research
Annette Bruchfeld visiting professor
Anna Katarina Brännbäck Affiliated to research
Sara Burge PhD Student
Nicola Byers research assistant
Petra Byström PhD Student
Emelie Bäcklin PhD Student
Frederik Bär PhD student
Pierre Campenfeldt Affiliated to research
Lars-Olaf Cardell professor/senior physician
Eduardo Cardenas research specialist
Axel Carlbring Affiliated to research
Thomas Casswall Affiliated to research
Markus Castegren Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Åsa Catapano administrator
Kerstin Cederlund Affiliated to research
Joel Svensson Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Shivam Chandel postdoctoral researcher
Anastasios Charalampidis Affiliated to research
Zhimin CHEN Affiliated to research
Kaile Chen PhD student
Tian Cheng PhD Student
Michelle Chew professor/senior physician
Milan Chromek Affiliated to research
Lorena Claeys PhD Student
Anna Claréus PhD Student
Massimiliano Colarieti Tosti Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Johan Creutzfeldt Affiliated to research
Johan Creutzfeldt Affiliated to research
Ylva Crona Guterstam Affiliated to research
Bashar Dabbagh PhD Student
Anna Dahl PhD Student
Malin Dahlby Skoog PhD student
Ursula Dahlstrand Affiliated to research
Pauliina Damdimopoulou senior lecturer
Kristin Danielson Pistis PhD Student
Gun Danielsson PhD Student
Pernilla Danielsson Liljeqvist Affiliated to research
Feven Dawit PhD Student
Christina de la Rosa educational administrator
Isabelle de Monestrol Affiliated to research
Spyridon Panagiotis Deligiannis Affiliated to research
Martin Delle Affiliated to research
Valentina di Nisio postdoctoral researcher
Elias Diarbakerli Affiliated to research
Daniel Diaz-Roncero Gonzalez research assistant
Joakim Dillner professor/R&D manager
José Carolino Divino Filho Affiliated to research
Maoli Duan Affiliated to research
Monica Liana Duhanes Affiliated to research
Gabriel Dumitrescu Affiliated to research
David Ebbevi Affiliated to research
Maria Ebbinge Affiliated to research
Thomas Ebert Affiliated to research
Anders Ehnhage Affiliated to research
Anna Ek Affiliated to research
Anna Ek principal researcher
Sverker Ek Affiliated to research
Åsa Ekblad research specialist
Jeannette Ekblom Hägerström lecturer
Carina Eklund laboratory coordinator
Martin Eklöf Affiliated to research
Sandra Ekstedt research specialist
Linnéa Ekström Ehn PhD Student
Peter Elbe PhD Student
Kristina Elfgren Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Miriam Elfström research coordinator
Carl-Gustaf Elinder Affiliated to research
Alexandra Elliot Affiliated to research
Ewa Ellis Affiliated to research
Anne Elwin PhD Student
Cecilia Engmér Berglin Affiliated to research
Monika Engsand Other
Jennie Engstrand Affiliated to research
Lars Enochsson Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Angeline Enton Raj PhD student
Jessica Ericson Affiliated to research
Mats Ericson Affiliated to research
Bo Göran Ericzon professor
Björn Eriksson PhD Student
Mimmi Eriksson Westblad PhD Student
Helen Erlandsson Affiliated to research
Cecilia Escher Affiliated to research
Marie Evans Affiliated to research
Monika Ezerskyte research specialist
Ingela Fehrman-Ekholm Affiliated to research
Adina Feldman scientific coordinator
Li Felländer-Tsai professor/senior physician
Carlos Fernandez-Llatas Affiliated to research
Aino Fianu Jonasson researcher
Mikael Finder Affiliated to research
Arabella Fischer Postdoctoral studies
Björn Fischler adjunct professor
Johan Flodin technician
Sara Fogelberg Affiliated to research
Francesca Forli Affiliated to research
Lisa Forsberg Affiliated to research
Therése Forsberg administrator
Christina Forshell Hederstierna Affiliated to research
Yngve Forslin Affiliated to research
Åsa Fowler Affiliated to research
Cornelia Fransson educational administrator
Ola Fridman-Bengtsson PhD Student
Pia Froissart Nerfeldt Affiliated to research
Åsa Fröberg Affiliated to research
Stefan Gabrielson Affiliated to research
Caroline Gahm Affiliated to research
Ainhoa Garcia Serrano PhD student
Elvia Garcia-Lopez Affiliated to research
Helena Maria Genberg Affiliated to research
Begüm Gençer Öncül Affiliated to research
Susanna Kumlien Georén senior lab manager
Paul Gerdhem Affiliated to research
Axel Gerdtsson Affiliated to research
Marco Gerling principal researcher
Natalie Geyer Postdoctoral studies
Mehran Ghaderi Affiliated to research
Poya Ghorbani Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Sebastian Gidlöf Affiliated to research
Stefan Gilg Affiliated to research
Evelina Gille PhD Student
Henrik Gjertsen Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Annika Goos Affiliated to research
Alexandra Grahn Affiliated to research
Anna Granath Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Svante Granqvist senior lecturer
Penelope Gray Postdoctoral studies
Katarina Greve PhD Student
Aristeidis Grigoriadis Affiliated to research
Jonathan Grip Affiliated to research
Olivia Grip Affiliated to research
Susanne Gripenberg PhD Student
Truls Gråberg PhD Student
Olof Grönlund PhD Student
Elin Kristina Gullberg Bohlin Other
Britt Gustafsson Affiliated to research
Ove Gustafsson Affiliated to research
Beate Gündel PhD student
Cecilia Götherström principal researcher
Emilie Hagberg PhD Student
Monica Hagbok administrator
Annica Hagerman Sirelius lecturer
Emilia Hagman principal researcher
Ulrika Hahn Lundström Affiliated to research
Asif Halimi PhD Student
Elisabeth Hallén PhD Student
Helena Hallencreutz Grape PhD Student
Anna Eva Hallin assistant professor
Stefan Hamma PhD Student
Britta Hammarberg Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Folke Hammarqvist Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Lalle Hammarstedt Nordenvall Affiliated to research
Robin Hansson PhD Student
Jie Hao Affiliated to research
Sadaf Sakina Hassan biomedical scientist
Jasmin Hassan Affiliated to research
Håkon Haugaa Affiliated to research
Christina Hebert Affiliated to research
Barbro Hedin Skogman Affiliated to research
Leif Hedman Affiliated to research
Margareta Hedström adjunct professor
Siri Heijbel PhD Student
Olof Heimburger Affiliated to research
Johan Helleberg PhD Student
Laila Hellkvist Postdoctoral studies
Sten Hellström professor
Lars Gösta Hellström Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Anna Hellström administrator
Peter Hemmingsson PhD Student
Ewa Henckel Affiliated to research
Lars Henningsohn senior lecturer/senior physician
Lena Uggla Affiliated to research
Lotta Herling assistant professor
Maria Hermann Affiliated to research
Leah Hernandez-Munoz PhD student
Stellan Hertegård Affiliated to research
Maria Herthelius Affiliated to research
Rainer Heuchel principal researcher
Karl Hildebrand adjunct lecturer
Helena Hildenwall Affiliated to research
Eric Hjalmarsson research specialist
Lena Hjelte Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Hanna Hobell Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Manne Holm Affiliated to research
Marcus Holmberg Affiliated to research
Anders Holmén PhD Student
Mats Holmström Affiliated to research
Maria Holstensson Affiliated to research
Jonas Holtenius PhD Student
Maria Jenny Birgitta Hortlund Affiliated to research
Marianna Hrebenyuk Affiliated to research
Biying Huang PhD Student
Kristoffer Sola PhD student
Håkan Hult Affiliated to research
Sofia Hultman Dennison Affiliated to research
Cecilia Hultqvist educational administrator
Helena Hybbinette adjunct lecturer
Lars-Christer Hydèn Affiliated to research
Marianne Petro biomedical scientist
Gustaf Håkansson PhD Student
Jenny Häggström PhD Student
Pille Ann Härmat head of administration
Elias Ingebrand postdoctoral researcher
Emma Irving administrator
Emma Isberg PhD Student
Ken Iseri Affiliated to research
Gona Jaafar Affiliated to research
Maryam Jafari PhD student
Towe Jakobsson laboratory manager
Birgitta Janerot Sjöberg Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Hannes Jansson Affiliated to research
Helene Johansson Affiliated to research
Kerstin Johansson assistant senior lecturer
Anette Johansson administrator
Marlin Johansson Affiliated to research
Jonas Johnson research engineer
Eduard Jonas Affiliated to research
Asta Jonasdottir Affiliated to research
Olof Jonmarker PhD Student
Tomas Jonsson Affiliated to research
Cathrine Jonsson Affiliated to research
Karin Jonstam Affiliated to research
Carl Jorns Affiliated to research
Hanna Josefsson PhD Student
Arwa Josefsson Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Jan-Erik Juto Affiliated to research
Evelina Jörtsö PhD Student
Mina Kader Affiliated to research
Georgios Kalarakis Affiliated to research
Sigridur Kalman professor
Ahmad Karadagi Affiliated to research
Amar Karalli Affiliated to research
Sofia Karlsson PhD Student
Eva Karltorp Affiliated to research
Ferenc Karpati Affiliated to research
Niki Karpeta PhD Student
Nikolaos Kartalis Affiliated to research
Arasp Keighobad Affiliated to research
Anna-Lena Keller Postdoctoral studies
Victoria Keros Affiliated to research
Savas Kesen PhD Student
Inger Keussen Affiliated to research
Gandom Kharrazi PhD Student
Kristina Kiisholts Affiliated to research
Ann Kjellin Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Anders Kjellman Affiliated to research
Maria Klaude Affiliated to research
Fredrik Klevebro Affiliated to research
Michail Klontzas Affiliated to research
Sari Kokkonen Nassef PhD Student
Aeneas Kolev PhD Student
Emmanouil Koltsakis PhD Student
Magnus Konradsson PhD Student
Seppo Koskinen Affiliated to research
Paraskevi Kosma PhD Student
Aleksandra Kowalik Affiliated to research
Karolina Kublickiene principal researcher
Linus Kullänger-Axelman Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Makiko Kumagai-Braesch Affiliated to research
Maritha Jenny Kumlin Affiliated to research
Åsa Kågedal Affiliated to research
Joakim Gustafsson assistant professor
Vilma Lagebro PhD student
Tobias Lagerbäck Affiliated to research
Camilla Lagheden biomedical scientist
Maria Lampi lecturer
David Landin Affiliated to research
Fredrik Lanner principal researcher
Lovisa Lansing PhD Student
Juulia Lantto postdoctoral researcher
Oscar Lapidus PhD Student
Tobias Larsson Affiliated to research
Jörgen Larsson Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Mirjam Larsson PhD Student
Patrik Larsson PhD Student
Lise-Lott Larsson PhD Student
Andra Lazar PhD Student
Toan Le head of finances
Matti Lehtinen Affiliated to research
Anna Levin Affiliated to research
Pauline Levinson Affiliated to research
Tie-Qiang Li Affiliated to research
Yan Li Affiliated to research
Xiejia Li Affiliated to research
Xinxiu Li research specialist
Felix Liebau Affiliated to research
Marion Lieberman lecturer
Ulrika Liliemark PhD Student
Maria Liljefors Affiliated to research
Emma Liljegren education officer
Louise Lindberg research specialist
Mats Lindblad adjunct professor
Synnöve Lindemalm Affiliated to research
Cecilia Lindemalm PhD Student
Stefan Linder Affiliated to research
Peter Lindgren Affiliated to research
Urban Lindgren Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Bengt Lindholm senior research specialist
Henric Lindkvist PhD Student
Katarina Lindström Affiliated to research
Rebecca Lindström Affiliated to research
Agnes Linnér Postdoctoral studies
Lisa Liu Affiliated to research
Lina Ljungholm PhD Student
Mathias Loberg Haarhaus Affiliated to research
Anette Lohmander Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Louiza Loizou Affiliated to research
Arne Lundberg Affiliated to research
Lars Lundell Affiliated to research
Torbjörn Lundgren Affiliated to research
Per-Olof Lundgren Affiliated to research
Marie Lygdman Other
Jing Lyu postdoctoral researcher
Ulrika Löfkvist Affiliated to research
Matthias Löhr professor/senior physician
Annalena Lönn PhD Student
Allison Mackey postdoctoral researcher
Maria Magnusson Affiliated to research
Firoj Mahmud postdoctoral researcher
Silvia Malenicka PhD Student
Linnéa Malgerud PhD Student
Ann Malmenholt Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Emma Malmström PhD Student
Henrik Maltzman PhD Student
Tanja Manser Affiliated to research
Alejandro Marcano PhD Student
Claude Marcus professor
Gregori Margolin Affiliated to research
Sara Marin Juan PhD Student
Linda Marklund Affiliated to research
Elin Marsk Affiliated to research
Anita McAllister Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Loren Méar postdoctoral researcher
Mahta Memar Affiliated to research
Roxana Merino Martinez project manager
Celia Mesias Casares PhD student
Lisbet Meurling Affiliated to research
Nina Milerad PhD Student
Shahla Mobini Kesheh PhD Student
Agnes Modée Borgström PhD Student
Kenji Momo Affiliated to research
Maiko Mori Affiliated to research
Fatima Moumèn Denanto PhD Student
Elisabeth Moussaud senior lab manager
Tomas Movin Affiliated to research
Dhananjay Mukhedkar PhD Student
Eva Munck-Wikland Affiliated to research
Antti Mäkitie researcher
Hans Möller Affiliated to research
Elisabeth Nagy PhD Student
Lars Naver Affiliated to research
Matilda Nergården adjunct lecturer
Sahar Nikkhou Aski Affiliated to research
Vera Nilsén PhD Student
Magnus Nilsson professor/senior physician
Klara Nilsson PhD Student
Ted Nilsson PhD Student
Åke Norberg senior lecturer
Viveka Nordberg Affiliated to research
Johan Nordenadler Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Louise Nordfors Affiliated to research
Karin Nordin Affiliated to research
Sara Nordqvist Kleppe database coordinator
Johan Nordström PhD Student
Ann-Charlott Nordström administrator
Nora Norén PhD Student
Mikael Norman professor/senior physician
Greg Nowak adjunct professor
Alexandra Nowak PhD Student
Paulina Nowicka Affiliated to research
Marek Nowicki Affiliated to research
Patrik Nowik Affiliated to research
Ulrika Nygren adjunct lecturer
Lina Nygren Affiliated to research
Anna Nyman adjunct lecturer
Marcus Nömm PhD Student
Suzanne Odeberg-Wernerman Affiliated to research
Rebecka Ohm PhD Student
Åsa Okhiria Affiliated to research
Frida Oldendorff PhD Student
Stig Ollmar Affiliated to research
Magnus Olsson lecturer
Petter Olsson Affiliated to research
Frida Olsson administrative officer
Artur Omar Affiliated to research
Gabriel Oniscu professor
Timo Oosterveld PhD Student
Mònica Ortega Llobet statistician
Alexander Oxblom PhD Student
Björn Palmgren Affiliated to research
Charlotte Palmqvist lecturer
Eleftheria Maria Panagiotou PhD student
Vasiliki Pantazopoulou postdoctoral researcher
Ann-Sofie Paulander Affiliated to research
Eirini Paziou PhD Student
Maria Pekkari Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Johan Permert Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Nina Perrin Postdoctoral studies
Anna Persson Affiliated to research
Mats Persson Affiliated to research
Jan Persson Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Anders Persson Affiliated to research
Sophie Petropoulos principal researcher
Karin Pettersson Affiliated to research
Kristina Pettersson Affiliated to research
Krzysztof Piersiala PhD Student
Ville Pimenoff Affiliated to research
Terezia Pincikova Affiliated to research
Estelle Pitti PhD Student
Gavin Poludniowski Affiliated to research
Agnieszka Popowicz Affiliated to research
Raffaella Pozzi Mucelli Affiliated to research
Lotta Pramanik-Jonsson Affiliated to research
Afrodite Psaros Einberg Affiliated to research
Douglas Puricelli Perin Affiliated to research
Resthie Putri PhD student
Zainabou Päivärinta HR manager
Abdul Rashid Qureshi researcher
Jari Radros Affiliated to research
Samin Rahbin PhD Student
Nicoletta Raic administrator
Pawel Rasinski PhD Student
Miguel-Angel Redondo Affiliated to research
Awahan Reheman Affiliated to research
Lotta Renström Affiliated to research
Srecko Rijetkovic Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Olle Ringdén Affiliated to research
Jonaz Ripsweden Affiliated to research
Sanjiv Risal research specialist
Nina Risti educational administrator
Katarina Robertsson Grossmann Affiliated to research
Sarah Rolf Affiliated to research
Christer Rolf Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Antonio Romano Affiliated to research
Stefhanie Romero Affiliated to research
Ilmatar Rooda postdoctoral researcher
Olav Rooijackers professor
Emilia Rotstein Affiliated to research
Ioannis Rouvelas Affiliated to research
Rebecka Rubenson Wahlin Affiliated to research
Johanna Rubin Affiliated to research
Ulla Rudsander project manager
Mini Maria Ruiz Narbona assistant professor
Kseniya Ruksha research assistant
Wiktor Rutkowski PhD Student
Dawid Rutkowski PhD student
Felicia Rydeberg Kjaernet PhD Student
Helena Rydell Affiliated to research
Behnam Sadeghi principal researcher
Omid Sadr-Azodi Affiliated to research
Sarah Saietz PhD student
Gabriel Saliba PhD Student
Caroline Salmén Other
Andres Salumets professor
Johanna Samola Winnberg PhD Student
Ineke Samson adjunct lecturer
Christina Samuelsson professor/speech and language pathologist
Carl Samuelsson PhD Student
Fredrik Sand PhD Student
Annica Sandberg lecturer
Ellika Schalling Affiliated to research
Angelina Schwarz research specialist
Mathilda Schöfl HR partner
Astrid Seeberger Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Ralf Segersvärd Affiliated to research
Dag Seldén PhD Student
Daniel Selin PhD Student
Nina Sellberg Affiliated to research
Mikael Sennerholm Affiliated to research
Fernando Seoane Martinez senior lecturer/biomedical engineer
Elnaz Sepehri PhD Student
Malin Siegbahn Affiliated to research
Aliide Sjögren Affiliated to research
Åsa Skjönsberg senior lecturer/audiologist
Eva Skog Nejman Affiliated to research
Ulrika Skogeland PhD Student
Carl Skröder PhD Student
Martin Smelik PhD student
Linn Smith Affiliated to research
Jessica Smolander PhD Student
Michael Snyder Affiliated to research
Sandra Soeria-Atmadja PhD Student
Alberto Sola Leyva Postdoctoral studies
Alf Sollevi Affiliated to research
Ernesto Sparrelid Affiliated to research
Joanna Stachowska-Pietka Affiliated to research
Magnus Fredrik Starkhammar Affiliated to research
Maria Stefopoulou PhD Student
Peter Stenvinkel professor/senior physician
Irene Sterpu postdoctoral researcher
Hanna Steurer PhD Student
Madeleine Stigar Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Pär Stjärne Affiliated to research
Birgitta Strandvik Affiliated to research
Cecilia Strömberg Postdoctoral studies
Sofia Strömbergsson senior lecturer/speech and language pathologist
Lisa Strömmer Affiliated to research
Christian Sturesson Affiliated to research
Mohamed Suliman Affiliated to research
Berit Sunde Affiliated to research
Anna Sundelin Affiliated to research
Mikael Sundin Affiliated to research
Joar Sundman Affiliated to research
Karin Sundström principal researcher
Martin Sundström Rehal Affiliated to research
Alexandra Svahn Alberts administrator
Richard Svalstedt Affiliated to research
Jenny Svedenkrans Affiliated to research
Ulrika Svedenås administrator
Clara Svenberg Lind PhD Student
Anders Svensson Affiliated to research
Annika Sääf-Rothoff Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Magnus Söderberg Affiliated to research
Sara Söderqvist PhD student
Maria Södersten Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Kjetil Søreide Affiliated to research
Emma Söreskog PhD student
Sofie Tano Affiliated to research
Nicolas Tardif researcher
Ilari Tarvainen Affiliated to research
Parvin Tavakol Olofsson lecturer
Zheer Tawfique PhD Student
Johan Teiler Postdoctoral studies
Jonas Teng Affiliated to research
Heikki Teriö Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Raquel Themudo Affiliated to research
Panagiotis Tufexis Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
TomasThiel Affiliated to research
Franziska Thimm PhD Student
Anna Thor PhD Student
Anna-Stina Thorssell Ahlm lecturer
Helena Thulin assistant senior lecturer
John Thörling PhD Student
Bo Tideholm Affiliated to research
Gunilla Tillinger Other
Hans-Göran Tiselius Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Rebecca Titternes PhD Student
Karin Toll Affiliated to research
Tatjana Tomanovic Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Christos Topalis PhD Student
Frida Tornberg Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Alvaro Torres Urzua Affiliated to research
Ylva Tranaeus Lindblad Affiliated to research
Dario Troise Affiliated to research
Andrianos Tsekrekos Affiliated to research
Panagiotis Tsiartas Affiliated to research
Satu Turunen-Taheri lecturer
Antonios Tzortzakakis Affiliated to research
Inger Uhlén Affiliated to research
Johan Ungerstedt Affiliated to research
David Unnersjö-Jess Affiliated to research
Agustin Ure bioinformatician
Shomi Carmen Utterström Affiliated to research
Agneta Uusijärvi Affiliated to research
Francois Uwinkindi Affiliated to research
Jeremy Wales Affiliated to research
Carlos Valls Affiliated to research
Lilian Walther Jallow research coordinator
Qiaoli Wang postdoctoral researcher
Qiang Wang postdoctoral researcher
Jiangrong Wang research specialist
Hui Wang Affiliated to research
Jacek Waniewski Affiliated to research
Lydia Wehrli postdoctoral researcher
Frida Welander Affiliated to research
Malin Wendt Affiliated to research
Lars Wennberg Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Anders Wennerberg Affiliated to research
Jan Wernerman Affiliated to research
Emelie Westergren PhD Student
Magnus Westgren Affiliated to research
Linn Christina Westin PhD Student
Dievere Westin Affiliated to research
Maria Weurlander Affiliated to research
Essi Heinonen Affiliated to research
Shiroma Wickramarachchi finance officer
Katarina Wide Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Pernilla Videhult Pierre lecturer
Mathias Vidgren Affiliated to research
Axel Wihlborg Affiliated to research
Julia Wijkström Affiliated to research
Marjo Wijnen-Meijer Affiliated to research
Henryk Wilczek Affiliated to research
Michael Wilczek Affiliated to research
Annika Viljamaa PhD student
Ray Wilkinson Affiliated to research
Karin Windahl Affiliated to research
Jacek Winiarski professor
Anna Witasp researcher
Mathias von Beckerath Affiliated to research
Jenny Wrackefeldt PhD student
Per Wretenberg Affiliated to research
Hannes Wållgren PhD Student
Lei Xu research specialist
Qiang Yao Affiliated to research
Ming Yao Affiliated to research
Qingyun Yao Affiliated to research
Emel Yilmaz PhD Student
Emine Yilmaz laboratory coordinator
Masoud Zamani Esteki Affiliated to research
Aikaterini Zamprakou Affiliated to research
Maria Zetterman Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Qianying Zhang Affiliated to research
Cheng Zhao research specialist
Yelin Zhao PhD student
Galyna Zinko PhD Student
Karin Åberg PhD Student
Nils Ågren PhD Student
Eva Åkerman Affiliated to research
Kajsa Åsling Monemi Affiliated to research
Christofer Äng PhD Student
Maya Öberg HR manager
Ann Ödlund Olin Affiliated to research
Per Östberg professor/speech and language pathologist
Joakim Österman PhD Student