Organisation: D1 Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital
Postal address: D1 Kliniska vetenskaper, Danderyds sjukhus, D1 Ortopedi, 182 88 Stockholm
Ehsan Akbarian | PhD Student |
Erica Arverud | Affiliated to research |
Michael Axenhus | Affiliated to research |
Hannah Coudè Adam | Affiliated to research |
Max Gordon | adjunct senior lecturer |
Kristofer Hallberg | PhD Student |
Carl Johan Hedbeck | Affiliated to research |
Sarah Hellberg | PhD Student |
Paula-Therese Kelly Pettersson | Affiliated to research |
Evaldas Laurencikas | Affiliated to research |
Martin Magnéli | Affiliated to research |
Hans Nåsell | Affiliated to research |
Jakub Olczak | PhD Student |
Anders Persson | PhD Student |
Elsa Pihl | Affiliated to research |
Agata Rysinska | Affiliated to research |
Björn Salomonsson | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Viktor Schmidt | Affiliated to research |
Sara Severin | PhD Student |
Olof Sköldenberg | professor/senior physician |
Andre Stark | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Sara Lindmark | PhD Student |
Sofia Svärding | PhD Student |
Maria Unbeck | Affiliated to research |
Monica Öhlin | Affiliated to research |