Organisation: D1 Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital

Postal address: D1 Kliniska vetenskaper, Danderyds sjukhus, D1 Kardiologi, 182 88 Stockholm


D1.Kardiologi.Hemostas och trombos
D1.Kardiologi.Vaskulär medicin och hypertoni
D1.Kardiologi.Pedagogik och utveckling


Stefan AgewallAffiliated to research
Maja AnderssonPhD Student
Hillevi AsplundAffiliated to research
Adriano AttermanAffiliated to research
Kamila AvanderPhD Student
Larissa Bastos PalominoPhD Student
Helge BrandbergAffiliated to research
Felix BöhmAffiliated to research
Sofia CederströmPhD Student
Piotr Tomasz Michael DoliwaAffiliated to research
Robert EdforsAffiliated to research
Hanne EhrlinderAffiliated to research
Christina EkenbäckAffiliated to research
Mikael EkholmAffiliated to research
Mattias EkströmAffiliated to research
Sami El AmraniAffiliated to research
Johan Engdahlprofessor/senior physician
Gudrun EvénPhD Student
Nikolai FedchenkoAffiliated to research
Jonatan FernstadPhD student
Viveka FrykmanAffiliated to research
Ingrid FugmannPhD Student
Steven HagemanAffiliated to research
Carl Wilhelm HaggårdAffiliated to research
Eleonora HamiltonPhD Student
Henrik HellqvistPhD Student
Peter Henrikssonprofessor, senior
Mehrnoosh Hossein BekyPhD Student
Tove HygrellAffiliated to research
Andreas JekellAffiliated to research
Fadi JokhajiPhD Student
Rozh KaderAffiliated to research
Thomas KahanProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Masih KhedriPhD Student
Maja Kopelevadjunct lecturer
Jeanette KuhlAffiliated to research
Viktor LindPhD Student
Rickard LinderAffiliated to research
Krister LindmarkAffiliated to research
Magnus LundbäckAffiliated to research
Pia Lundmansenior lecturer/senior physician
Kristina LundwallAffiliated to research
Gustaf LyytinenPhD Student
Henrik LöfmarkPhD Student
Elina MalkeshiAffiliated to research
Johan MalmqvistPhD Student
Fereshteh MasoumiPhD Student
Georgy MelnikovPhD Student
Brynjolfur MogensenPhD Student
Wenli NiAffiliated to research
Tim NordenfurAffiliated to research
Cina NybergPhD Student
Liselotte PerssonAffiliated to research
Hans Perssonadjunct professor
Lars Jonas PerssonAffiliated to research
Christian ReitanAffiliated to research
Hermine RietzPhD Student
Mårten RosenqvistProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Ann SamnegårdAffiliated to research
Kasper Sanaei NurmiAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Emma SandgrenAffiliated to research
Kambiz ShahgaldiAffiliated to research
Shajan ShekarestanPhD Student
Emma SkauAffiliated to research
Mika SkeppholmAffiliated to research
Jonas Spaakadjunct professor
Kajsa StrååtPhD Student
Viktor TauneAffiliated to research
Anna ThorénAffiliated to research
Jonathan TjerkaskiPhD Student
Mattias TörnerudAffiliated to research
Håkan WallénProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Fredrik WallentinPhD Student
Kerstin Welén SchefPhD Student
Per WesterAffiliated to research
Anton WinderudPhD Student
Håkan WramsbyAffiliated to research
Karl WärnbergPhD Student
Ali YariPhD Student